Okay, does anyone remember there being a huge thing going around a few days ago(heck, a few weeks ago) about a Prophecy on April 18, 2018? Well, it's like the others, on Marketing Scheme lane. Today, I'm going to remind you all to ignore all prophecies that you here on Youtube, Twitter, etc. Why, well these prophecies ARE FAKE!, no valid evidence backs these prophecies up at all, not even NASA or the Government. Most of these prophecies use laughable events such as past debunked objects colliding; Years that are not in AD, BC, CE, or BCE; messages from parody religions(Flying Spaghetti Monster); "new" Asteroid belts and/or space objects; and a more recent scenario, aliens from outer space or "visitors." Here's a list of debunked objects -Nibiru/Planet X -Unknown asteroids -"new" asteroid belt that Billschannel debunked. The only used and historical timeframes are AD/CE and BC/BCE Since the Parody religions are mainly silly and are new, everything that comes out of a parody religion is fake. Please look to your own religion and other religions in your religion family( Christianity belongs in the Abrahamic Religion family, along with Judaism, and Islam) for a verification. There have been Channels on Youtube that tried to predict a "new" asteroid belt(even making stuff straight up) for just plain Money. Please look to NASA and other Certified Space Agencies for new objects in space. And the more recent one, Aliens/"Visitors." Aliens is a popular prophecy event for false prophets and YouTube channels to make up. Mainly being false or just straight laughable. Please ignore all random prophecies and dates that are claimed to be horrifying or Doomsday.
I believe this should be placed in the controversial topics forum category or the Misc. category. There's no event here
All prophecies have been and sometimes proven false. I honestly dont't believe in prophecies that can influence the Earth's doom
I wouldn't call this controversial because I'm mainly talking about the prophecies like 2012 that were BS from the start. I'll let staff decide whether to move this thread or not.
Definitely the wrong forum This is better placed in the Community discussion forum, because well; that's a bit what it is I suppose. Or perhaps miscellaneous. Anyway... a little bit of nitpicking on my end but some of your examples aren't exactly prophecies. I mean... unknown asteroids are a thing. Of course doom stories about an asteroid hitting the Earth on the 14th of December 2011 are obviously false, but there are definitely objects out there of which we're clueless. Take for example Oumuamua; astronomers only discovered it while it was already on its way out of our solar system. Not just that: at first observation they couldn't even recognize it for what it was. Nibiru... I dunno. It sounds crazy, and I most certainly don't believe in the prophecy of an alien world which will come over and collect some of the human species to move along and leave the Earth in ruins. However... I also wouldn't simply dismiss the theory about a planet which isn't a part of our solar system but which could still pass through it at some point. Not necessarily in a catastrophic kind of way, but who knows. Just because it's uncommon for a planet to travel alone doesn't automatically make it impossible. In fact... scientists have discovered that it is likely that the same thing has happened in the past with a star. In 2013 they discovered a binary system known as Scholz' star; a system made up from a red dwarf and a brown dwarf. And scientists believe that 70,000 years ago it passed our solar system within 0,8 light years. Which basically means that it was viewable in the night sky as a bright red star. See also this article. If stars can do that, then why not planets? Still, say what you want but I still firmly believe in the prophecy of the Empires! "And one day a developer will come onto the Empire and see the need for more. And thus the Empires will be born. The developer will look, squash any bugs they can find and they'll know that it will be good...".
I haven't heard any of these from parody religions. There was, however, recently (I think in November) a group of Christians who thought things were going to happen because certain stars aligned, and they had read something in Revelation that seemed to refer to that. However, such theories can easily be debunked: according to Matthew 24:42-44 (I'm quoting the King James Version, it's a bit oudated, but I like the old English ), Jesus himself said: "Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh." Paul also quotes this in one of his letters. So really, the Christian theories surely don't make sense.
For your info, the next end of the earth is supposedly on the 23rd of this month, according to some numerologist.
The British public are well known world wide for our following of prophecies and have discussions on them daily. There are numerous sites dedicated to interpretation of the signs leading to these prophecies but my favourite is this one.
That's not true, actually. Some religions were created to make a statement against religion as a whole, or to, indeed, parody religion as a whole. Real religions (Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, et perhaps cetera) are much older than those, and are founded on beliefs that what they follow is the truth. Of course there are also the ancient polytheistic religions of the Greek and the Egyptians, which I guess need a separate category.
Nibiru/Planet X are planets that were made up in the 20th century and have been proven false, yet false prophets and conspiracy theorists keep using them in their "prophecies."
What's a 'parody religion'? Pastafarianism is just as legitimate and just as ridiculous as Christianity, Judaism, Islam - actually, literally any religion. I mean, there's a high likelihood Planet X exists, a little bit beyond Pluto. There's weird and inexplicable stuff going on with the gravitational pull in that area. It's even believed there's yet another planet close by, too. Obviously they're not called Nibiru and they're not colliding with anything anytime soon, but, yeah.
Seems legit. How does my response to Gawa seem to you? Incomplete? I think my term 'real religions' is a bad one. I don't know what else to call them though, and I do think they are distinguishable from these other religions. Perhaps 'traditional religions' would be a better term. In any case, I feel like this isn't relevant to the topic. But I figured I'd reply anyway, as you were quoting the OP, and my earlier message was relevant.
religions like 'pastafarianism' were created in a context of a joke, so no they are not as legitimate. i don't care if you don't believe in religion but don't go calling other people's beliefs ridiculous just cuz you dont agree with them that's just ode hateful and ignorant
Pastafarianism has an explanation for the creation of the world, a heaven, a hell, a bible, basically an entire mythology, all attributed to a magical being you can't prove or disprove the existence of and can only believe in. I don't really care if it was created as a joke or not, it's just as provable and legitimate as any other faith. If my opinion that religion is an outdated institutionalised disease that teaches ridiculous things that are incompatible with modern day society, I apologise. I was raised in a family who are ripped apart on a matter of faith, who live in areas with walls separating Catholics and Protestants (Catholics are subjected to more violence and poverty on their side), who have almost been killed in terrorist attacks done by Catholics, and who have joined Protestant and Catholic terrorist organisations. I was sent to a Catholic school in which we were punished for saying anything out of line with creationism, who hid the alternative of atheism from me until an atheist teacher broke policy and taught our class about it. Just under a year ago I had classmates and friends almost killed an Islamist terrorist attack, with a family friend whose life will never be the same because of it. Government funding goes to propping up failing churches (the UK is now majority atheist) rather than something actually meaningful, e.g healthcare which we are in desperate need of, which quite frankly makes my skin crawl. Its texts degrade homosexuals, women and other groups of people, which is probably even worse than any of the previous mentioned things. Sorry if I've got a horrifically negative opinion of it.
I'm sorry. You forgot something, though: please check the first line of the large paragraph, as I think there should be an "is [something]" at the end there, before the comma. But again: I'm sorry. :/ I don't think I can do much to help, beyond taking what you say to heart, and keep it in mind, so that if I can help it, such things won't happen again. But I'm afraid they will. Such is humanity. :\
Thank you for pointing out. I was in full rant mode and didn't check my sentences. I'll admit something does sound off about the sentence, but I think it's correct. It's honestly fine. Like everything else in life, everyone has a different experience with religion. It just so happens mine has been... well, overwhelmingly negative. For what it's worth I do still envy the faithful a great amount. A good place to start helping would probably be 'don't be my alcoholic great grandfather'. He disowned my grandfather solely because he married a Protestant Welshwoman, only properly reconciling twenty-four years later when my mum married my dad. He still viewed me and my siblings and cousins as 'tainted' however, and didn't meet us during the nineteen years since that wedding. He even laughed when my uncle was in the middle of an IRA bombing. On the bright side, at least I know why he was an alcoholic and died a painful death as a result of that. This is all massively off-topic