Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2017 Edition)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krysyy, Jan 1, 2017.

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  1. A wall without the brick texture. :o (or print, I suppose it doesn't actually have much of a texture to it, but in Minecraft 'texture''s used for that.)

  2. Individual Picture of me.....

    Picture of me in a Kung Fu demonstration for Chinese New Year, using a "leopard technique" on a classmate...

    Picture of me with a classmate performing "Sword vs. Spear" at Chinese New Year 2017. I have the spear ;) Her sword is on the ground since this was near the end of the form. I have a video of the form for anyone who would like to see it....
  3. Not that I don't love that faux brick wall but you do go out of this room at times, correct?

  4. sorry, it's huge!!!! I decided to test out the camera on my new (and first) phone :D
  5. Yes, this just happens to be where my laptop is.
    Harp4Christ, FadedMartian and Jelle68 like this.
  6. Listening to 'Teenagers' by My Chemical Romance atm and it got to the point where Gerard is like 'strike a violent pose' and I scrolled to this pic as the line was sung and idk i just thought that'd be a fun fact to point out
  7. I'm interested. :)

    Wow, nice! :)
    SkeleTin007, RidgeBeam and MoreMoople like this.
  8. Beautiful dress. That looks like a fashion add in a catalog
  9. Maybe I should change my name to "TheGentlemanCrafter" hmm? ;D

    Taken last Saturday on a terrace in the sunshine :)
  10. Thought I would do a Pic for my 4th week on my new medication (As of Thursday).
    This is from before the medication
    Jan 19th 2016 - Day 2 of medication

    Sept. 29th 2017

    Please be nice, :)
  11. As the 11th doctor said, "Bow ties are cool" Very nice picture!
    SkeleTin007 and _Devuu__ like this.
  12. What does it do?
    FadedMartian likes this.
  13. Such a sharp image, may I say sir?
  14. Well before was a pill and bow it's a injection once a week a week as the pill was not getting in the blood stream.

    And it does a lot of stuff.
    SkeleTin007 likes this.
  15. Thank you, kind sir!

    Bow ties are the definition of cool;)
  16. Bow ties are the world period ;)
    Slip55, _Devuu__ and Eclipsys like this.
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