[Suggestion] - Add a Official EMC Discord (Added)

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by finch_rocks_1, Sep 12, 2017.

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  1. Get me into this colored action!
    FadedMartian4 likes this.
  2. Shush

    Its a pretty color :p
  3. Not a large demographic
  4. Over the summer, tons were on. I mean, I would guess that would go down since school. =)

    Just saying, I use to constantly use it, to talk to people during events, but been kinda busy lately.
  5. @crazy_X_gamer: I didn't understand most of your post, but this construction struck me.
    Um, no? :confused: Discord's got a very different design than Skype.
    Merek_Shadower likes this.
  6. True but discord does one on one calls like Skype and you can do group calls like Skype, and you can have group chats like skype but there are many different things but if you dumb it down they are similar.
  7. Oh, wait a minute. Now that I am less tired, I actually understand the meaning of the sentence, I think. But it was pretty poorly written... I think this is what was meant:
  8. First time I see this thread...


    One thing I don't quite get: why does everyone keep talking about Mumble or Discord? Why can't the two simply co-exist so that players get a choice to use what they prefer best? Anyway, I'm also on Discord and I can't really recognize myself in Aikar's comments about it.

    I don't think you'll be lacking features when comparing Discord to Mumble, instead you have different features. If you treat Discord as if it were Mumble then yeah, I can see why you might not like it. But if you use Discord as intended then I sincerely doubt that it would provide less flexibility than Mumble currently does.

    Anyway, if EMC won't make a server then why doesn't the community make one? Should be easy enough.


    PS: ShelLuser#7707 is me ;)
    SkeleTin007, Jay2a, 607 and 1 other person like this.
  9. here :p Because crazy sucks at writing. I revised it and and accidentally deleted it instead of editing it (don't ask how)

    I find Discord hard to navigate to me it is like the ugly love child of Skype and this XenForo theme. (thanks 607) which is sorta hard to navigate. I like mumble because it is as basic as a pumpkins spice latte.
  10. I actually never thought of it that way. That does raise an interesting point though: There's not really a reason not to have an official Discord server. Sure, it lacks some important features that Mumble has, but if we have both, then we can still use Mumble when it makes more sense to

    In some Discord servers I'm part of, people are just there to talk to each other. It's a way to get to know some of the other people who play the same games that you do, and it's a lot more convenient than having to wait for both people to be on a server at the same time. It really can help bring members of the community together.
    607 likes this.
  11. I think there might be a personal reason underlying to that of potential activity loss behind me being against this: at the moment, I probably wouldn't be able to keep up with the Discord. That means I'd be missing stuff. And sure, I miss things here too, but if it's interesting, I might come across it later. Whereas with Discord, even though all conversations are saved, you're not likely to read back old conversations. Also because you won't be able to 'reply' to them anymore.
  12. No idea if this would help or not, but I know I have joined other servers discords and its extremely dysfunctional. I thought about this last night and realized that a YouTuber's discord and a games servers discords are going to be completely different, while you have a server with many things for many people, one has a server revolved around that one persons fan group.
    Eviltoade likes this.
  13. I agree on what Jay2a says because their are always some people who are there to talk to on Discord and when I am on Mumble I see locked channels on events and sometimes I see the locked channels as being biased. But that is just my opinion.

    But Discord EMC channel I could see sometime in the future just not now.
  14. I made a comment regarding that earlier.

    cause to feel or show inclination or prejudice for or against someone or something.

    Umm of course there is. That would be like complaining the friends system shows bias because everybody is not friends with everybody. You take away locked channels, and those people will just stop using the mumble in general. Discord is just as easy to operate as mumble, so it's not like removing the locked channel removes their ability to talk privately, it just means you won't have as much activity. If someone doesn't want you in a group, it's because they already have a group established, and they don't want new people there. That's why they give certain people passwords and not others. People need to just stop complaining about it.[/quote]
    Qkazooo likes this.
  15. But friend systems do show bias. You're biased towards certain people depending on what traits about them interest you. And it's not like we would be removing those locked channels if we have Discord. It's more that Mumble would have them and Discord wouldn't. If the two servers coexist, then nobody's losing out on features they want
    607, SkeleTin007 and TheKutesyKiraboo like this.
  16. I'm well aware. In fact, that's the entire premise of my above message, so I thank you for the restate.

    Changed it to complaining so it's even more emphasized.
  17. I think it'd be a good idea-
    idek how to use mumble so discord would always be the better opption-
    also have discord on my phone so even awway from the laptop I'd be able to answer o3o

    SkeleTin007, Jay2a and FadedMartian like this.
  18. Mumble has an app
  19. Mumble doesn't have the option to send messages over text if that person is not in the channel. In discord, you can tag people even if they aren't online.
    607 and ComicalCanine like this.
  20. I prefer discord DX
    phone has little to no space left on it anymore app wise
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