How do I report unknown player stealing?

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Leafcull, Sep 6, 2017.

  1. Two times in two days (9/5, 9/6) I have logged in to find my resource have been looted from my house at waste w on smp3. I have no way of knowning who it is so how do I report it?
    607 likes this.
  2. Unless something has been broken or a protected block placed.. I don't think they can tell who opens a chest. Let alone if anything was taken out of it.

    Best to place a protected block on the chest. That way others can't get in and it doesn't cost 1k like locking with a sign.

    Best of luck!!
    607 and ThaKloned like this.
  3. You can make a convo and invite a few moderators to it. Describe the best you can.

    You wont get anything returned, but they night be able to if there where any other blocks broken nearby.

    Best to have protected blocks over, or have in a protected block room, or even a locked chest sign.

    607 and ThaKloned like this.
  4. Taking a look now :)
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  5. In the waste unfortunately - no locked chests are available :( no buildmode either, but placing protected blocks like finch suggested over your chests would work great
    607 and Tbird1128 like this.
  6. No, you can set locked chests in the wasteland but you just got to be mindful of the resets. I need to find the quote somewhere from Aikar where he changed that.

    Imagine that, I know more than an SS .-.
    607, TomvanWijnen and ShelLuser like this.
  7. I guess you can lock chests in the waste now - thanks foxy!
    and you probably know more, true story!!!
    607 and FoxyRavenger like this.
  8. First of all be careful with building stuff in the wastelands. You may already know this but I don't like working on assumptions so... The wastelands is where players mine, and to make sure we get enough resources that place gets reset every so often (usually once every 3 months but...). That means that your stuff can go poof. Theoretically at any given moment.

    Usually we get plenty of warnings up front, but I always go by this rule of thumb: if losing some stuff would upset you, then don't leave it in the wastelands. Just to be safe.

    Now, the easiest way to prevent this from happening is by locking your stuff using an access sign (edit: you need a lock sign). In the Frontier you need to be approx. 150 blocks out from any outpost, but in the wastelands we don't have these limitations. Locking a chest costs you 1k rupees, but you get 500 back once you remove the sign again (which also removes the lock of course). Fun fact: you can give access to two other players besides yourself if you want to.

    The other option, which people hinted at above, is using protected blocks. On EMC you don't claim land in the wilderness, you claim blocks. When you place certain specific blocks then they'll be automatically protected, so only you or you friends (see /fr list command) can break them. Here is a full list of automatically protected blocks. As a rule of thumb: if you can find the block in the wild (so it generates naturally) then it's most likely not protected. Exceptions make the rule (as always) because stone brick (found in strongholds) is protected. Which brings me to the second rule of thumb: if you need to craft the block yourself then it's most likely protected. Those stone bricks for example require 4 stone, which in its turn requires you to smelt cobble (or use silk touch).

    (edit): Polished stone variants (granite, andesite & diorite) are probably the easiest protected blocks to use. You only need to mine the blocks and combine 4 together to get 4 polished variants.

    So what plenty of players do is place such a block above a chest. Because chests can't open with a solid block above 'm they'll be automatically protected.

    For what's it worth I always rely on signs. Blocks work, but they're too troublesome for my liking. If you forget to place the block again then you're out of luck because your stuff is unprotected. Or what if your friend comes along, doesn't understand why you put that block there and then removes it while thinking they did you a favor because your chest can now be opened again....

    Hope this helps!
  9. I love story time with Shel. This is what makes the forums great, lol.
  10. Thanks all. Was aware of all this, didn't lose anything I cared about, it's principal. Don't think any of us want to have thiefs / griefers in our community. Doesn't make for an enjoyable playing experience.
    ShelLuser, FoxyRavenger and 607 like this.
  11. Shel's essays are awesome, I just wanna know how long it takes him to write these detailed answers xd
    ShrinkingMatt and 607 like this.
  12. Kinda off-topic but this reminded me of Shavingfoam's anti-griefing tool. No idea if that still works/if the website is still up (website didn't load for me - the GitHub repo fixes that if you know how to set up the source code on a website though), and since the wasteland wasn't added until a year or two after this tool's release I doubt it covers that world, but I thought I'd share here anyway. Maybe it can still help a few people in a similar situation to yourself.

    HOWEVER, back when it was created, live map hiding was a supporter only feature. This made it highly unlikely that griefers would be able to hide themselves on the live map; however, much has changed since 2012, and this feature is one of them. Obviously, live map hiding is now open to everyone nowadays, so it may not be as accurate as it once (and even then, accuracy was not 100%). As the way of this tool has always been: it doesn't provide definitive proof, just a possible piece of the puzzle you'll need to connect in order to make your own investigation.
    ShelLuser, 607, Tah2 and 1 other person like this.