Welcome Eviltoade and Elfinpineapple to Senior Staff! They have both shown tremendous effort and amazingness in their duties as Moderators. Now it's time to see what they can do with a little more lime in their lives.
Eviltoade! Logged in to see a strange ban message (which is being disputed for any of you who are gonna get all triggered) and say Elfin was SS colors. Nothing was on main page for it.
WHY DID I NOT GET ONLINE TONIGHT regains composure I mean, congratulations! Both of you! You deserve it!
Ill need to upgrade to a masterball to try to catch the megaevolved toad then =/ And congrats pineapple
Congrats you two, very well deserved! The drawing was a good hint for the promotions, it's a shame I didn't catch on to it sooner haha.
Congrats to you both! I'm sure you're very excited and thrilled about your promotions. Here's to you, what you have brought to EMC, and memories to come. You will make great senior staff.
Congrats you two! Here's hoping the added power doesn't go to your heads. We don't need more crazy things to happen. xD (like the cake incident on 8)
Just wanted to say it will be an honor continuing to serve this amazing community - yall are my family, don't ever forget it...
Wow!!!! What honors... A huge Congrats to you both on the promotion and the heavy responsibilities...