End of 11 - Boss Bars / bugs / misc - 6/6/17

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Jun 6, 2017.

  1. This is not an option. Sorry.
    Reason: each vault page is a different inventory, and the cursor being reset is the client's reaction to receiving a new inventory.
    You may have noticed that the res perms interface doesn't reset. This is because I update the same inventory each time a button is clicked. :)
    Pab10S and ShelLuser like this.
  2. Thank you very much for another great update :)
  3. Would it be possible to instead bind them to a key? Such as right & left arrows to scroll through. Thus leaving the cursor out of it.
  4. That is not possible. Sorry :) Again, vanilla client limitations.
  5. Added in this as well ^. A few small commands that went out with the update.
    Used like /compass residence (!chickeneer-4) (locname)
    or /compass north
    or / compass current
    I am sure you get the idea.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  6. Can't you do the same for vaults, get the final items, and then save it as an inventory?

    EDIT: Sorry, forgot about meta...
  7. It doesn't work for vaults. Because they are coded differently. When I added the bottom buttons. I also refactored it so that a vault page is shared. Technically multiple people can now view the same vault page now (on the same server) safely. This was not possible before. The cost is that each must be a different inventory
  8. A super confirm puzzle for res resets? Wot, did people not think that resetting your residence actually reset your residence?
  9. They confused it with /res default, which resets flags
    chickeneer likes this.
  10. That is actually exactly what has happened...
    JohnKid likes this.
  11. Can a button be added under the cursor's home position that repeats whatever we did last? If I clicked the Next button then the center button would do the Next function and if I clicked Previous button it would do the Previous function. If not, is there some other hopefully simple way you can think of to make it so we can go: click click click quickly through several vault pages?

    If you are able to tell us details I'm curious about what someone thought a reset would actually do.
  12. An alternate option would be for you to pass to a mac cause it works! #thosefewmomentswhenmacdemonstratesuperiority

    On the other hand, that seems like a do able solution
  13. We are going to look into an option. I am just needing to think it through some more. :)

    Most commonly with the res default command. But in general, there has been a lack of attention. There WAS a confirm message, they most likely just blindly agreed without reading the warning.
    The super confirm almost requires you read the warning.
    Pab10S likes this.
  14. A bunch of those mini game servers have moving items in chests - im guessing it would take a bunch of work to do but the same thing is possible, right?
  15. It's a bit complicated to explain, but there's a pretty big difference between minigames doing it and EMC, a survival server doing it.

    Firstly, if something goes wrong on a minigame server, it's no big deal (unless it's something like a currency exploit). If it only affects items for a single round of the game, when the round ends (and the server which it was just played on restarts), everything is restored to exactly how it was before - there's no persistence, so even game breaking bugs aren't a total disaster. On EMC, dupe bugs and similar are permanent, and manipulating chests in weird ways is practically begging for that.

    Also most minigame servers use physical chests when you can drag/drop items (they load the inventory into the chest the first time you click it, and from then on, it just loads the chest like normal). Vaults don't connect to a physical chest - they just load data from a database. Again, persistence is key.

    It's not IMPOSSIBLE to add the functionality to EMC, but it's incredibly risky for something as simple as making it so a cursor doesn't reset.
  16. Ah I was thinking it'd be something like that. Ty.
  17. The key issue is that the Vault depends on a Package framework, and the GUI system is its own framework.

    We had to refactor a lot of stuff to get them this closely integrated to begin with, and its even more complex work to do what discussed.

    But I did discuss with chicken some ideas but no promises. we have to avoid making too big of changes and risking another bug spree.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  18. This update seems to have caused a small issue with tab completion. Note: Sazukemono noticed first (I strongly believe in credit where credit's due, even if it doesn't actually change much).

    But I can confirm their comment: some custom commands no longer allow me to tab complete. When I try to invite my friend AyanamiKun into my group I usually typed: /invite aya<tab> yet that no longer completes to her name (or any other). This also goes for several other commands of which I know they used to apply tab completion.

    Hope this can help.
    SkeleTin007 and JohnKid like this.
  19. Feel free to tell us the other commands. We already knew about the tab-complete being missing for /group invite.
    We just have never specified what should be completed.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  20. /mail send.
    /res pset (not fully sure about this one!)

    If I find / remember more I'll PM. Taking Sammichan (ok: sammichman) on a PWU tour at the time of writing.