hello world i am zervados, unoskis new account owner that is correct. unoski no longer has control of any of his accounts it appears he has been putting of leaving you guys for a while now. im going to change that with a game. answer each question correctly and you will win a prize. the winner of the game will get all of my rupees and decide whether 14141 will be deleted forever or opened for griefing for 72 hours then deleted forever. there is no inbetween. i am not responsible for any questions you miss. most questions will be posted here in a google form. if you get a question wrong, you will be eliminated. if you do not answer a question while it is active, you will be eliminated. may this be the end of unoski lets begin the game with the first question would you like to play?
awww, unoski has been hacked, my res. admin flag is gone. oh noes, what about those slabs?! This calls for one cause of action: I'll just have to report you. Not to the staff because you didn't seem to have done anything wrong, but to Aya Not sure what good that will do me, but when I reported those nether hounds which stole all my stuff then a few moments later all the hounds were gone and my stuff was retrieved Awww, man, you're not going to leave us too? I figured this would happen; most things come in three. It's a given, seriously. Keph, Hook and I suppose you're gonna jet too. So now all of you are forcing me to stay around a little longer (ok, that was bad pun ) Anyway, I'm not going to play. I like what you're trying to do, it's just that I hardly play events and such.
I really don't know what to say, The "Hacked" in the title makes me think the actual owner of the accound unoski doesn't like this... nor do I think this is any good annyway...
I really don't know if this is legit or an actual compromised account...but I still want to play pls no ban
I really want a staff member to verify that this is actually legit and that uno hasn't been locked out of his accounts