Community Message: Teenage Relationship Drama

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Krysyy, Dec 20, 2016.

  1. Nice, notes taken, I think that's all for this time :)

    Annyways, There is one thing I did not see here that I think also needs to be added, since I've seen this "mistake" quite a few times by my freinds, with sadness as result: Before you even start your relationship, be sure you're sure you want so, I have seen people saying "yes", for a reason, that isn't the same as "I feel like I should share my life with you" (same for asking) that will make the other person really sad in the long run. I actually can't imagine people didn't know that, but if I look at the world...
  2. That's why they need to speak to someone who is licensed because that person is trained to handle the various scenarios and that person is prepared to help, based on their training. People go to school for this. They spend years going over studies and learning the best ways to help adolescents with these feelings. They are qualified to give advice. People on a Minecraft server are not.
    Sgt_Pepper4, jkjkjk182, 607 and 4 others like this.
  3. My solution: ban all talk of relationships on this forum. All it does is cause drama (yes I'm guilty of fueling the fire sometimes). We don't need relationship talk here. Sometimes it is hard to stop yourself from commenting on what someone does because it is so ridiculious. This a forum for a video game, not for discussing relationships. If you really need to discuss those things here, there are PMs for that.

    EDIT: Main post was too long for me to read so if this has been said, oops.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  4. I'd rather that the community learn what are healthy limits for conversation and commentary on the forums with regards to these situations, and learn how to handle feelings in a mature fashion. Bringing in the ban hammer doesn't solve the root issue.
    Sgt_Pepper4, jkjkjk182, 607 and 4 others like this.
  5. If this happens what about shipnames?
    I like Shipnames?

    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  6. And there should be regulation. Many talks are already banned here, why not just add this to the list?

    As far as learning goes, some of us won't/refuse to learn. Banning a source of the drama will only improve things.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  7. I don't see how that is a relationship...
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  8. There are other methods we choose to utilize first. There aren't many talks that are banned anymore. I'd rather not take backwards steps now.
    607, We3_MPO, AnonReturns and 2 others like this.
  9. Nobody wants to take backwards steps, but sometimes they are needed to solve problems.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  10. Could not say it better <33 it can be extremely stressful to feel responsible for helping someone reverse a decision they have made for the worse and it isn't fair to pin on someone else who isn't a professional in this field...
  11. Maybe you need to actually read the OP before deciding you know what is best.
    Sgt_Pepper4, jkjkjk182, 607 and 3 others like this.
  12. I read the OP and my opinion still stands. And when did I say I knew what was best? I gave MY solution on how to solve the problem. NOWHERE did I say it was the best.
    ShelLuser and BenMA like this.
  13. Hey can you calm down? It was a really nice, inspiring and lighthearted message from Kryssy, no need to turn it into an argument. And if you're not saying yours is the best solution then you can stop replying.
    jkjkjk182, 607, Kephras and 6 others like this.
  14. You're right. No such professional would ever play a game such as Minecraft :)
    _Bunni__ and LordessSpartan_ like this.
  15. You miss the point of what I'm saying. If they are playing Minecraft, they aren't exactly looking to work and those in the mental health industry are required by law to do something if they are aware of something. My family member is one and I talk to her, but I'm not going to give out advice to players when the stakes are as high as they are with depression.
    jkjkjk182, 607, AnonReturns and 3 others like this.
  16. Honestly,

    I find it funny that people who have nothing to do with this are involving themselves in saying something. I think we all know who this really goes out to. (Those few people that cause everything, every single problem.. *waves* Hi.. ) But really though, the fact that this is a public announcement is sad. Everyones love lives normally are in a private PM, for anyone who said they are public. What normally happens is someone spills about someone or something, thus causing more than enough problems. Or, once any data is released to the public, it gets twisted and turned into more than it really was. Then by the time it reaches back, it's sooo false it's stupid. Ship names start things too. Every time someone ships someone with someone else.. stop me if I'm wrong, you actually think about that person differently. Even a second, you do. I've done some dumb stuff on here recently, love being a main reason. I'm all for it, but trust me, just because it seems right doesn't always mean it's true. Love is a mixed feeling, with love comes hate, and sadness and a whole other mix of emotions you don't need on a server. Really though, that's it. I could rant about this all day, but from past experiences and oh, trust me I've learned.. it's not always the best thing.

    *waits for everyone to argue something different*
    crafter31211 and FadedMartian like this.
  17. I wasn't turning it into an argument I gave my opinion and Krysyy replied to it. I was trying to have a peaceful debate.

    So my opinion doesn't matter is what you're saying. I never asked for anyone to reply to me. I gave my opinion. Never said it was the best. Krysyy is the one who said I thought it was the best, not me. I have every right to reply to this thread if I'm not breaking any rules.
  18. Lol. Reminds me of a mom. The one and only question is....
    is #Kryssypreghs2k16
    TheKutesyKiraboo and _Bunni__ like this.
  19. +1. Please do not turn this drama talk into a drama-argument.

    Honestly, I have never experienced a relationship like this. A good thing? Anyways, I never get into anyone else's affairs. Just leave them alone. Yes, annoying and stupid relationships get frustrating, but I never tell those people. And why would you talk about relationships on a Minecraft server? That is wrong. :/
    FadedMartian, _Bunni__ and We3_MPO like this.
  20. If I may add, with all due respect, I disagree that it is "wrong" tho I agree EMC is not a dating site lol :p I know of plenty of ppl (myself included) who have been/are in a very happy relation with someone they met on Empire. But you see, you don't know about those people because there aren't big flare-ups on profiles and statuses and whatnot about it. In regards of t being "wrong"... I agree that is is wrong if you are not mature enough to handle the ups and downs of a relationship without involving other parties and starting a riot. This is just my opinion, however :)