When I claimed my res, there was a bunch of wool on it (in item form), in different colours. I tried to build a house with it but didn't have enough.
I also remember this. Oops I remember when the tutorial was a maze made of sandstone. I remember when SMP4 was the newest and best (still is the best though ) server, and when I'd have to sit there retrying to log in for ages because the server was full..
I remember when I would type things on a typewriter. Shhhhunk! Chunk chunk chunk! I remember playing DigDug. I remember when we got a Super Nintendo System and I recorded my brother on cassette tape playing the original Super Mario Bros.
I remember when I could play an installed game offline whenever I wanted, not being forced to wait for Steam and such to do an 11 GB update which basically doesn't allow me to play most games while I travel in Africa.
I remember BeLugh's 14141 I remember when stone slabs were almost removed I remember when I have to remind Aikar to implement Enraged Totem Poles (I have it on my calendar actually. December 31st, 2016. Marked that a year or two ago.)
Bah, I really dislike how Steam works like that. It isn't new, though, I used Zylom back in the day, and I think all of my old games don't work anymore. I'd much rather just have the files and be able to execute the program at any time, also being able to look into and alter the game's files. Like Minecraft!
I didn't intend to turn this into a mini rant, but bringing this up makes me feel like I need to explain my past actions and apologise (something I don't think I've ever done before with this). I remember when I used to make edgy threads about how difficult my life was at the age of 12 and how I would always say I was going to kill myself, stressing multiple EMC members out and when they tried to help me I'd give a huge list of reasons as to why they were wrong and shoot down any suggestions they had to sort my crap out. I'm not saying my feelings weren't true. There was definitely something wrong - I know, because a ton of the problems I had back then still affect me to this day. I have a proper support network, I'm very good at not letting anything get to me, and I have a person always ready to listen to my problems (and I do the same for her) who I am more than immensely grateful to have in my life, so it doesn't bother me at all besides during the winter months when the feelings are much stronger (and even then, I think I'm quite good at coping). What I'm saying is that back then, I was coming solely to EMC for help. Which is fine - but when I'm shooting down any attempt to help me and making a new 'Feel like having a pineapple pizza with a glass of cyanide for tea' thread everyday... that wasn't okay. I hate people who attention seek like that, and it disgusts me I ever participated in that BS :} To anyone from back then (four years ago) who cared about my twelve year old self and tried to help me; thank you. I'm sorry for (probably) being an ass to you. I just want you to know that without people like you, and EMC as a whole, I wouldn't be the person I am today - and I'm usually quite happy with the idiot I've become. /endrantapologything