What IS that?

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by Gawadrolt, May 13, 2015.

  1. You're welcome and thank you! It's been really fun helping out and I'll continue helping out in any way I can :)
  2. I updated the last post I made with "shiny" pictures of everyones contributions to the build so far. jossy, haro and ana
    jossytheninja likes this.
  3. smp3 is going to get one too... still draining though
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  4. Looking good :D
    FalleReavyn and Gawadrolt like this.
  5. wyntyr just decided to build another god(err, guard? god guard!) farm. I drained the first row... ugh. lol. I put up a minerail and portals to facilitate transportation. She and JDhallows found it and set up a base nearby. Wyntyr and I cleared it. Wyntyr and/or JD put walls up around it and outlines for where the walls will be for the draining. I finished one of the walls and did another full wall and drained the first row then passed out at my computer in the process of draining it out. it was almost done lol.
  6. actually xpcakecrafted and i put the walls around the farm. i did 2 and he did 2.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  7. +1
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  8. Sometimes
  9. Why it took me this long to actually do this is beyond me. Yesterday I was able to successfully afk at the farm for 21 straight hours. I took all drops and sorted them and then crafted them. the purpose? to determine how much drops I am getting per hour and how much rupees I am getting per hour.

    Total drops:
    4DC's and 15 stacks of crystal shards
    3 full stacks of ink sacks
    13 DC's of prismarine shards
    8DC's of fish

    1.21 DC's per hour 4182 drops per hour
    Drops per hour:
    2139 Prismarine shards roughly 33.5 stacks or a little over an SC
    1316 fish per hour rouchly 20.5 stacks an hour
    704 crystal shards exactly 11 stacks an hour
    9 ink sacks an hour

    I crafted ALL the drops besides the fish. I am assuming the fish is valued at 0.4r.
    I valued all the crafted blocks at my extremely low price DC value of blocks which you can order from my signature.
    2971 Sea lanterns*13=38,623r divided by 21 hours= 141 Sea lanterns an hour*13=1,833r per hour
    192 dark prismarine*14.5=2,784r divided by 21 hours= 9 dark prismarine an hour*14.5= 130r per hour
    1920 prismarine bricks*6r=11,520r divided by 21 hours= 91 prismarine bricks an hour*6=546r per hour
    3456 prismarine*3r=10,368r divided by 21 hours= 165 prismarine an hour*3=495r per hour
    27648 fish*0.4r=11,059r divided by 21 hours= 1316 fish an hour*0.4=526.4r per hour

    total output of the farm in rupees during 21 hours= 74,354r
    output per hour= 3,540r

    These prices are VERY conservative and I will generally make +20% on them. that said, I don't sell the fish. I couldn't and wouldn't put the effort into taking them to town. In other tests I did I figured I was getting about 3.5k an hour without as much math. Also, without selling fish, which I don't do. All that fish gets /disposed... which I will be fixing soon into a sorting machine that dumps it into lava.
  10. Poor fishies
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  11. Yep very useful I made one and we are never out of lanterns or fish, spend 10-15 minutes and walk out with stacks of each.
  12. Since i technically Co-Own said farm your talking about do i get a say in this lava bit. since i use the fish from the farm as food when i'm out there...get rid of fish get rid of my food source =(
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  13. Lol. There can be a DC of fish between the lava and the sorter so that DC never empties.

    Edit: there is a labeled DC of steak right next to the collection area so....
    jossytheninja likes this.
  14. Fun fact: the only thread in the "EMC show your creations" forum that was made since this one was that has more views is this giant bomb: http://empireminecraft.com/threads/project-atomic-bomb.53717/

    Emc seems to have an appetite for trinitrotoluene.

    I have finally installed a sorter inside the collection area of the farm... it took like 2 hours and... whyyyyy I haven't done this before is just ridiculous to speculate on. It is so much easier to get to my loot. Fish is disposed of before the sorter so as not to clog or glitch it out :D I do have a weird problem though... the crystal shards seem to "leak." So I will have crystal shards in my overflow chest. It's about 1 shard for every 10ish shards that go into the sorter. Which isn't a terrible bother its just annoying.
  15. And she wonders why I will not go anywhere without endeepearls! Always prepared when somsone has it out for your head. :-P

    The farm has produced about 5 million rupees worth of stock by now. Which may sound like a lot but that's over almost a years worth of time!

    Yes! You heard that right we are about to have a birthday party for our guardian farm! About a month from now.

    In that year our guardian farm has seen dozens of people who have taken tours for as little as twenty minutes all the way to about four hours. Some have contributed and some just left in awe never to return.

    It also spawned the necessity for a shop so that getting rid of all of our loot became a less intensive struggle. That shop is over 6 months old now and has seen hundreds of customers! It has been out of stock only one time and only out of dark prismarine and that was for only three days.

    The floating island above the guardian farm has laid mostly neglected since last august but in that neglect the foundations of a giant underwater city with the farm as the centerpiece has seen hundreds of hours of work poured into it.

    None of this would have happened had I not saw another intent miner on live map every night I was mining nor if I hadn't met a brand new player that was hell bent on building a mall that needed all my loot from my mining adventures. Wyntyr and Budha were there from the start and we still all keep in contact until this day.

    Also a shout out to the countless people that have contributed and been named in this thread. All of your alls help is greatly appreciated. If anyone wants to take a tour send me a message and we will see if we cant work out a time that we are both on :)

    There will be new pictures probably later today but for now it is bed time.
    jossytheninja likes this.
  16. So... I said in may that I was gonna post pictures... well I may be almost half a year late but I got some updated pictures. Since the anti-grief update I have done some work and I just conscripted the help of one of my favorite builders to get a dragon statue in the works for the floating fantasy island portion of the build. The pictures though are of the progress on the underwater city which now is completely drained and the roof is covered in glass :D

  17. Any possibility you would allow other to come out to the outpost to farm? Possibly me =P My guardian farm was griefed and its to much of a hassle to rebuild it again...
  18. You can always use Sushi drop at smp8!!!
    jossytheninja and EquableHook like this.
  19. True dat
  20. oh man, I'm sorry I ddin't see there was a reply to this. At the moment I'm keeping the farm pretty much closed because of all the work that's going on and the problems I have been having with the farm. I have a lot of valuables out there and while I could lock every chest and have a huge hideous area of lockd chests, I don't so theres a lot of things out there I don't really want being exposed to a lot of traffic. We have finished a major portion of the work on this thanks to


    Next phase is city planning and slight terraforming. So much to do, so little time.
    jossytheninja likes this.