Server Problems, Post Here!

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by chickeneer, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. True, but I know he votes for more than just his 2 accounts, so I figured I'd ask ;)
    RunderC likes this.
  2. Maybe Jeeves knows the answer, or Yahoo.
  3. ShelLuser and RunderC like this.
  4. I love you man!

    Oh wait.. last time I said that I got not only rejected but had to fight staff too (but I will admit that I screwed up a bit) :p

    But seriously, I appreciate this. See /mail next time, least I could do.
  5. When I next log in some time in October I'll dig through all my vote bonuses for that mail :p
    ShelLuser likes this.
  6. Drats, and double drats. I shall have to ask Krysyy to deny you of... wait.. no, won't work. I will find a way! :p

    Krysyy: pls no add voter beacons!! At least until December this year, after that I'll take 3 please! :p
  7. I'll do /mail and go through until I find it xD
    ShelLuser likes this.
  8. Ironic eh? Aya's account was perfectly fine and she had no trouble letting me know :p

    Ok, more seriously: GripCEO is probably not in the clear but quite frankly... Who gives a shell? :p this is the guy who would fire you when you're down :p

    Ok, ok, ok: MORE seriously...

    I covered Aya's streak (by accident), Runder covered mine.. And GripCEO will be a good example for a (possible) upcoming voters guide. Besides; He shouldn't be allowed to win the voters contest anyway (I'll take that 5k now Aya) :D).

    Wait, I thought this was a PM :D
  9. Shellnuber xD
  10. Voted for GRIPCEO. :) Any more? :)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  11. Tom smells rewards it seems...

    ShelLuser and TomvanWijnen like this.
  12. Tom wants a bit of whatever Jeeves has
    ShelLuser and nltimv like this.
  13. lol, nah, I just want to help him - if he'd want to give me something, I try my best to turn it down in the nicest way possible, lol
    ShelLuser and nltimv like this.
  14. What ? No, service. I can't believe Mojang hired Chin. Guess they'll send him back to us again.
  15. And this my friends is why EMC is TOTALLY awesome :)

    Love you guys, when I'm a little down (nothing too serious, just this evening) you guys got my back, even without knowing. TEAM!!! :)

    Hmm, I am so going to post something else in a sec.. <3 you guys!
    nltimv likes this.
  16. your one second is up what did you post? :p
    ShelLuser and TomvanWijnen like this.
  17. Your head on a pike
    ShelLuser and TomvanWijnen like this.
  18. omg, stressed out! I posted it to a restricted forum I think.. nuuu, don't eat me! :p
    nltimv likes this.
  19. xD