The only thing I've bought is Hotline Miami 2. I'm thinking the rest of the money I'm owed by my mum (around £20, so not much anyway) is going to be blown out on fixing my phone tomorrow, so that'll probably be the only thing I'm buying...
Beam.ngDrive was terrible in my honest opinion. I can run Minecraft at 85 FPS, Car Mechanic Simulator 2015 at around 30 FPS, and Beam was the laggiest piece of crap I ever had the honor of running on my system. (sorry for rant) Universe Sandbox 2 was the main purchase of mine, and it's awesome. Would recommend to anyone.
I felt like it had a decent potential, but having potential does not involve its users needing a computer with the best graphics card on the market, not to mention the power to run it. EDIT- and it was TWENTY SEVEN Dollars.....
So far I have found Stardew valley to be the best I have gotten. Put 4 hours into it in one day. The one more day mentality really kicks in .
I played 70 hours in a week non stop I literally forced myself to stop playing it. Haven't played it since I guess I'm just looking for a reason now...
I'll try not to buy anything, as I just don't really like pc gaming so even though I've bought quite some games I never really play any, with the exception of Minecraft, occasionally. And I don't like Steam either, so there really isn't much chance I'd actually play the games I'd buy
The 1.1 update might provide a reason to jump back in. Looks pretty cool with multiplayer and more end game stuff. I am having fun with this version for now though.
I hate Steam. I think they have crappy business practices and they're greedy scum. I'd love nothing more than for something like GoG to take its place and for Steam to completely disintegrate. Somehow I just can't help myself when I see a good deal though...
I got Civilization V Brave New World finally, now I need to decide what I will do with the 12$ I have left.
Just bought Rocket League. That's probably all I'll get but that's the best $11.99 I've spent in a long time