Random Screenshot Thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Hoi, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. I was looking at the list of current staff members and noticed that chickeneer is listed twice. :eek:

  2. This chorus looks like it's sticking out its neck to look at something...
  3. That moment when :

    Hey RainbowChin you in love?!

    Aikar have you forgotten the difference between a cat and a hat? Xd

    Whatcha looking at?!

    I didnt mean to take a screenie but when I did look what I captured XD
  4. One of your pictures happens to contain a server ip(well 2 but for same server) might want to censor that.
    SkeleTin007, Sachrock and LtCaptainMe like this.
  5. Oh sorry Ill crop the photo and fix it!
  6. Isn't Minecraft beautiful sometimes?

    Was experimenting with 1.10 generated worlds when I came across this one :)
    SkeleTin007, Jelle68, 607 and 4 others like this.
  7. 1.10? You can just come on EMC to see it. :p

  8. I think this sums up Chin:

  9. "by the bike sheds", I love that! xD
    nuclearbobomb and Sachrock like this.
  10. That res behind you is hideous. Someone should do something about that
  11. What have i started
  12. yeah if only someone had the time
  13. o.o i just realized i have all these screenshots and i never share any... well except with friends in game.. time to change that starting with a very odd last 24 hours...
    starting with where i find a display of wither skelly and ghast heads pretty. i mean come on they're just heads right XD (i find the oddest things pretty)

    nothing like messing up links of what i think would be a cute addition to the game lol

    apparently theres no such thing as too much dragon...

    in which jd learns prolly too much XD

    and finally apparently theres no such thing as too much gawadrolt either
  14. XD I know people who have way more dragon heads then that :p
    WyntyrRaevyn likes this.
  15. I think you need my whole pirate gang heads. Only when I get back okay WyntyrRaevyn? ;)
    SkeleTin007 and WyntyrRaevyn like this.
  16. Oooh that would be an interesting display indeed :D
  17. *glances over at 16004*
  18. Two rows are already done ;)
    Sachrock likes this.
  19. *Glances at the eggs on smp8*
    Dufne likes this.