Empire Minecraft is still 1.8 - 1.9.4 is near!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, Feb 29, 2016.

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  1. I wanna have the pourpor now!
    ForeverMaster0 likes this.
  2. Omg my old english teacher used to call us heathens. "You heathens need to sit down and be quiet!"
    Nickblockmaster and UltiPig like this.
  3. So... its been over two weeks now. Nuclearbobomb says he's going to wait until the update comes out before becoming active again, and I need a slave helper for some things on our res...
    nuclearbobomb and tuqueque like this.
  4. ESTIMATED TIME THAT IS NOT AN ESTIMATE: 10 billion years 1 month

    I hope at least. Gimme all your Elytras, guys.
    IamTheNub likes this.
  5. in 10 billion years, minecraft would probably be the most obsolete game in the world... just saying...
    IamTheNub and UltiPig like this.
  6. Aikar — take your time. I like 1.8 better. :p

    Or at least delay the update until Liteloader is updated to 1.9. :)
  7. Especially considering that earth would be eaten up by the sun at that point lol.
  8. Yall are crazy for wanting an update immediately. :p

    I like EMC the way it is. I played a lil on 1.9 and it's too different for me.

    Yes, I said different. It's not the sword cool down, or the OP skeletons. I just feel that they've completely gone an unnecessary direction with Minecraft.

    Microsoft ruins alot of PC things....

    This is my opinion; if you don't like it, ignore it. ;)

    [EDIT] Felt a bit cramped, so I spaced it out lol
    gladranger7, LtCaptainMe and kaptrix like this.
  9. Now let's not bash on Microsoft. Let's get one thing straight, Microsoft owns Mojang. Microsoft doesn't tell them what to do. They are just wanting profits from the game that has been popular since 2012.
  10. For those who want to see what we were working on, there is a hole in one of the corners of my second res.
    IamTheNub likes this.
  11. I've professionally supported MS products since 1998, I feel qualified to bash M$. :)

    And yea, MS will give Mojang as much or as little guidance as they feel the need. Pushing out an update without it being fully tested has been a MS Standard Operating Procedure since Windows 95. ;)

    So, I wasn't really surprised to hear that Mojang only tested multiplayer with a 5 player server. :)
    IamTheNub likes this.
  12. they always do
    IamTheNub and ForeverMaster0 like this.
  13. Mojang is developing the game. Money goes to Microsoft. I'm an Apple fanboy and I think it's unfair to blame Microsoft for Mojang's failures.

    PS: 1.9 sux!!!1!!
  14. I'm sorry, but if you don't think a company that owns another one exerts design and operational influence on the owned company then you don't really understand how major corporations work...

    I've worked for multiple ones, including my current one.
    IamTheNub and Pab10S like this.
  15. I don't wanna go to 1.9.

    The new fighting system completely ruins the feel of minecraft.
  16. Could the design and operational influence be to push Minecraft to work on Windows 10 and other Windows products?

    Let's be honest, Microsoft probably does nothing to directly control Mojang. 1.9 has basically been what the masses were begging for:
    • More interesting end
    • Better combat system
      • inb4 people disagree
    • The ability to fly (Well, glide) in vanilla singeplayer
    • Fix boats

    Lol, why voice your opinion if you don't expect people to respond with disagreements?
    Anyway, they took a step in a much needed direction. If you read above, they have done what the community has wanted for a bit.
    IamTheNub and Blondekid42 like this.
  17. Lol if Microsoft was doing any sort of "motivational guiding" for Mojang we would see actual progress.
    IamTheNub and ForeverMaster0 like this.
  18. People need to get used to 1.9. I see it as the same, but I think mini-bosses need to be nerfed a bit more to survive them in 1.9.
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