Empire Minecraft is still 1.8 - 1.9.4 is near!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, Feb 29, 2016.

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  1. I agree with most of those points, especially the end, but the game feels modded now (I am not talking about plugins).
    I just don't think the game is the same anymore. :(
    Mojang is really killing minecraft.
    Sorry about referencing my server.
  2. I remember getting mine-craft for 10 dollars. Since then it has changed a lot..over and over again. Mine-craft evolves. Nothing seems like its against the original vision of this game in 1.9 and I for one hope it continues to evolve for many years.
    khixan, ThaKloned and ForeverMaster0 like this.
  3. Ok.
    I think we get it now that you're just expressing your opinions.

    But now, "change starts with you" (Ginnifer Goodwin Zootopia).

    Will you choose to accept the changes coming in Minecraft 1.9 or move on to something else, outside of EMC?

    "Nothing lasts forever" (Anonymous).
  4. I am not saying that the update should not be done. The final say of the direction that this update situation goes is in the hands of the server owner, Aikar. I myself have not even tried the new update yet as i am pleased with the way it is. I also have my old NES system, Super Nentendo, SEGA and miss my old Atari and Commodore Vic 20. I play my old systems from time to time because they are so basic and fun. Minecraft was created as a basic, fun game but contained so much depth within the game play. Improving Minecraft to a more competitive game in todays market will start to detract from the core of the original concept.

    All I wish to add is that care should be taken when making changes that change game play (I have not tried new update yet). Sometimes what seems to be a good move appeals to a smaller group.

    If one person stands up to speak his thoughts on a subject there are probably more that have not come forward that are thinking the same. Personally, I would be fine if there were no update. I am not protesting the update, just saying, I like what it is now and the planned improvements on the current game structure. If we get the update, I will most likely still play as I have not seen the difference but heard it is not significantly different. Not picking on you, just wanted to point out there are more than one person who could be ok with it staying the same. :)

    Thank you Aikar for taking your time and ensuring the updates you do release are stable and allow us to enjoy our game experience. Also, thanks to everyone who shares their tips and information on what to expect from the new release. I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
  5. Whoa, upgraded my BukkitAPI, but then I saw that... I had been using 1.7.9 API all along. I hate Bukkit Wiki (Mostly after the DMC Takedown. :(
  6. it used to only be $10??? ;-;
  7. Probably when the game was in beta or something, yeah, so a long long time ago :p
    ForeverMaster0 likes this.
  8. Way to make me feel old....sigh.
    khixan and ForeverMaster0 like this.
  9. Well it only came out about 5 years ago... so not too old ;) I still have a lot of games that are older than that :D
    Sparticals likes this.
  10. Morrowind, Halo, Tetris (personal favorite in my opinion), RuneScape (before the weird new one), so many great games <3
  11. Lately , I haven't been on much at all. I've been playing on 1.9 , and even playing on other servers because EMC hasn't moved to 1.9 , until now . With this , I could totally Not play EMC anymore ,or stop . Ofc I wouldn't fully stop , but I don't tthink I will play in 1.8 anymore . 1.9 is Awesome and , too lazy to switch in 1.8 ONLY for EMC . Maybe I'll comeback when it is 1.9 . Hope my vote streak bonus doesn't get resetted .
    ForeverMaster0 likes this.
  12. Then all you have to do is continue to vote on the website. You don't have to log-in in-game.
  13. Switching to 1.8 takes a grand total of 2 seconds.
  14. We will keep the community updated on when we are able to move forward with the update. We do not anticipate more than two weeks if all goes as planned.

    4 weeks later, havent heard too much....ive only heard that some changes are being discussed. Can we get a revised estimate?
    JesusPower2 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  15. They are waiting till 1.9.1 releases.
    Shouldn't be long after that.
    ForeverMaster0 likes this.
  16. Ayee dragon tombs promised over a year before I was even around xD
    PenguinDJ and Dr_Chocolate like this.
  17. Aikar has done his best to keep everyone in the loop on development status in this thread.
    ForeverMaster0 and MrCDub like this.
  18. i meant more like a revised thread addressing the issues many people have with the 1.9 update such as the end, elytra, and the many other new features being revised to fit emc. some form of transparency about the staffs decision on those issues in a concise organized manner so people can atleast make plans based on those decisions however far away they might be.

    also didnt mean to rouse you i know you are busy kid :p woulda preferred a ss or dev hook me up with like a changelog type of thread about the current issues and what emc is doing to fit us best.

    and you better send me pix of dat wedding
  19. I'll talk with Aikar, but I believe that he wants to work on the dev side of things to ensure it is all possible before we promise things to the community.

    And of course I'll post pics. I'm not a heathen =P
  20. You are a heathen.
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