Empire Minecraft is still 1.8 - 1.9.4 is near!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, Feb 29, 2016.

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  1. just update plz! :"(
  2. We can't just ignore the issues with 1.9...

    But to set expectations, We are waiting for 1.9.1 at the minimum as 1.9.1 is not compatible with 1.9, and we need those bug fixes.

    I haven't even started the update yet because the current ver is too broken and i've been too busy/tired.
    khixan, Sparticals, amadai and 8 others like this.
  3. Just take your time. usually want to wait till 1.9.3 really its less broke more of the bugs of been worked out and every thing.
    Eviltoade likes this.
  4. Well then, do you and the dev. team at least know what to change/adjust from 1.9?

    Coming up with the solution sometimes takes longer than to actually implementing them.;)
  5. Coding 1.9 to work with emc is not easy when mojang releases updates they arn't for big servers mainly sing player / small servers with 10 too 15 ppl
  6. I was going to leave the whole thing dead until I read this comment. Here is the cold hard truth : changes happen that effect the economy on every update. Some items go up, some items go down and some items stay the same. If Aikar's only concern with every update was to make sure nobody's investments were ever hurt, this would no longer be an economy server.

    I have a lot of respect for the older players of EMC, but I really don't think they should get special treatment. Also, I really don't like the idea that Aikar would make changes to vanilla minecraft just to make a few older players/staff happy. With that said, I wanted to simpy add one other thing that has been nagging at me.

    I don't feel that Aikar or any other staff with creative mode should ever think of or mention the word economy. My reasoning is that those staff with creative mode are not allowed to participate in the economy, so why should their developments or considerations have anything to do with the economy. Creating a promo or an item is one thing, but trying to make it impact the economy in one way or another is going a step too far. The economy is created by supply and demand. It should not be influenced by friends of developers. Additionally, people who cannot participate in the economy will likely start to scorn those who do care about making rupees. If that bias were to be allowed into the development of this server, we would start t0 see things like promos being released so they have as little value as possible, and things like changes to vanilla that only benefit a small subset of players.

    I think Aikar does an amazing job with this server. That's why I'm still here after a year and a half. I just felt I needed to inteject a few points. Long live EMC ;)
  7. See! He's tired. Let him get some rest and he'll have the update out very soon. I'm sure he can't sleep getting pm's all the time asking about when the update is coming out.;)
  8. While I understand where you're coming from, there are a few points I need to make about your reasoning.

    First of all, I imagine that the changes with the end crystals had NOTHING to do with the economy. The reason they were readded was simply that Krysyy, as an original dragon egg owner herself, felt that it was unfair to take away a feature from other players just to appease ODE owners, as you essentially said.

    However, if Aikar doesn't do things to influence the economy development-wise, it's not going to change much (and even though they do make some economic decisions, you'll notice that these are sparse; the economy is usually left to the will of regular players alone, not constantly changed by devs). And the fact that Senior Staff have creative mode does NOT mean that they don't understand or have stake in the economy; all SS were players once, as were the admins, and some even have alts that they still use for economic pursuits since they cannot with their main account.

    And the biggest thing that should be corrected is that there is no bias in the economic process; I'm not sure where you get the idea that "friends of developers" are behind economic changes for their own economic benefit. Aikar and the other Devs make the changes they make to the economy after much discussion and only in ways that benefit the economy--and ALL players--as a whole. They don't just try to benefit subgroups for personal reasons as you have said.
    Khalietal, GeistKitsune and Eviltoade like this.
  9. Note : I said It should never be because of that. I did not say that it was happening.

    First of all, I already new Krysyy was awesome ;). Second, I know that the decision to bring them back in was not due to economy, but the original decision to take them out was for the sake of the value of the originals.

    It makes sense but I think there's something wrong about still participating in the economy, while also having the ability to make desicions about the economy. I used to play Dungeons and Dragons with my friends and I was the dungeon master. The thing I learned first was that if you create a playable character to use as the DM, you will never be able to forget what you know as DM while you play that character. So in a way you have an edge on the economy because you know what's going to happen. I don't know if that's exactly playing fair :p.

    I will make it clear that I never said this was happening either. I said this kind of thing would happen if biases were let into the decision making process. Since you have made it clear there are no biases, everything is fine.
  10. On another note!

    I'm super happy Aikar chose to wait after seeing the 1.9.1 decisions. As we all suspected, the developers have no idea what they are doing ;)

    I wonder if Aikar will have to help them fix most of the bugs e-e
  11. Totally agree with Aikar's decision of postponing the update. It's not his fault that 1.9 is filled with bugs, it's Mojang's.
    Some bugs that I've seen in 1.9 so far: armor bar not updating, elytra not working at all, item duplication, among others. Dev's first concern here is not to bring said bugs into the server, updating the server comes second.
  12. Moar gapples :)
  13. Yeaaa we will wait
    ForeverMaster0 and Sgt_Pepper4 like this.
  14. Our live map system isn't working for 1.9 anyways :| the update to it is causing massive bugs worse than 1.9 itself....

    I am at least working on preparing the update to save time and get closer, but we wont actually release until 1.9.1 is considered stable.

    I've been working to migrate a lot of our changes that aren't specific to us to be shared within the Paper Minecraft Server.

    (Paper is a fork of Spigot. Paper is to Spigot as Spigot was to Bukkit. I'm now on the core Paper team)
    khixan, Sparticals, amadai and 7 others like this.
  15. don't rush it aikar, take your time. it puts you back in progress when you rush and the plugins fail. so what you are doing right now i agree with.
    Sparticals and ForeverMaster0 like this.
  16. I too agree.

    Try not to rush out EMC 1.9.

    Although this goes against some consumers' wants for instant gratification, the end product will turn out better. But whenever delays like this happen, I get worried about how people will respond.

    Will postponing an anticipated release increase hate towards us creators?

    I instinctively think yes to this.

    For Example: People outcried when Jeb stated on Twitter 1.9 to be postponed until 2016.
    Rhythmically likes this.
  17. Take your time Aikar :) . Some of us need to put pot of golds to work.
  18. Hey Aikar, if you read this, please stay on 1.8.8. I know from experience, that it is a pain to update, but the real reason is that, it will ruin the game. I personally HATE 1.9. It is buggy glitch, and, above all, it changes the fundamental things that makes Minecraft the game it is. Or another option is that you would have one of the servers pn 1.8 and the rest on 1.9. But that may be too much compication. I my self am only partially ipdating to the new version. I am making only some of my minigames on 1.9. I hope you read this! Thanks, --_termer_, Owner and Lead Dev of Another Server (-Staff Edit-)
    Acemox2k and TomvanWijnen like this.
  19. What really changed was combat mechanics, well needed "TheEnd" world changes making it worthwhile to explore the "TheEnd", making the enderdragon respawnable (Like Withers), having the ability to fly in survival, major sound changes, and dual wielding.

    I for myself need to get used to the 1.9 combat mechanics but most of the other additions are quite nice and looking forward for most pvp servers to be fair than spam click ftw.

    Of course the first update will be buggy, it is like Windows 8. They came out with a better Windows 8.1 to help desktop users navigate.

    Please do not include names of other servers. It is considered advertisement.
    ForeverMaster0 likes this.
  20. EMC Staff have already made the decision that we're going to update to 1.9, but only when it becomes stable enough (1.9.1+).

    There are many, many other players, including myself, that have been patiently waiting for over 500 days for this update to come to EMC.
    The Staff won't take a single person to turn the tables on all of us. That would be unfair.
    FoxyRavenger likes this.
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