Forum Mobile View!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Jan 23, 2016.

  1. 607 likes this.
  2. 607 likes this.
  3. Thank you aikar! Now I can use the forums on my phone with ease.
    UltiPig likes this.
  4. You can see it there, its just using a percentage width so the contents breaking out.
    LeoV and nltimv like this.
  5. fixed nav to include the sub menus back... display isnt that pretty but its functional for now.

    Whats new added to pages to be mobile friendly.

    Also colored the menu icon to use your preferred theme color!
    UltiPig, nltimv and PenguinDJ like this.
  6. Member cards (the popup on clicking names) now fixed.
    UltiPig and nltimv like this.
  7. Few minor things:
    1. The Online status text will break out of the card.
    2. Closing the card leaves a weird unloaded image. Since I'm on my phone I can't open the source and see exactly what it is :D

    Edit: I would like to say that I love how much work you put in this. Thank you!
    607 likes this.
  8. It's weird, that img only happens on mobile... they must be running some different code for when it detects mobile :/

    it's inserting an img to /non (no extension.
  9. How's the work on the "desktop mode" button going? ;)
    GloriousKoch and Jinkers like this.
  10. When I am on page 1 of the news overview (homepage) I see the mobile view.

    Now when I go to page 2 it'll switch to desktop mode :confused:
    607, FoxyRavenger and TomvanWijnen like this.
  11. Hmm? *gets impatient for no replies :p*
  12. Will there be a feature added to allow us to use the desktop site instead?
  13. Aikar got tired of our bug reports (especially mine :p)
    FoxyRavenger and TomvanWijnen like this.
  14. I appreciate the time you've put into fixing up the CSS for mobile users. I think it's a big step in the right direction as far as usability goes.

    I've been having a problem, though, in that the menu-btn icon doesn't show up on my phone, making it hard to navigate around in portrait mode. I'm on a Samsung Galaxy S5 Active using Firefox for Android 44.0. Strangely, I don't have this problem if I open the site in Chrome on my phone.
  15. I love this so much , thanks aikat. A few minor problems here and there (status update combine with profile pic on user cards) but its a massive improvement
  16. all pages or just wiki?
    using adblock? AdBlock might cause it.

    looking at it in firefox desktop in responsive mode, and a "Galaxy S5 Viewport Emulator" both is showing it.
  17. The page already has jquery, its inside of the xenforo.min.js file.

    Wonder if theirs an FF mobile bug on the older JQ we have though, you used a newer JQ, which we tried to do recently but things broke when using it... so havent gotten back to trying it again.

    but yes please remove pages quickly before google picks them up.