[CONTEST] Star Wars Builds!

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Nov 8, 2015.

  1. Soul, I got a 9 year old. He has about 15 of them and likes to get together with his friends and fight it out. Sorry dude. Maybe its just the US. We do love our guns.
    TuckerAmbr and iNachos10 like this.
  2. Can i enter with this?

    khixan and Tahitan like this.
  3. Interesting contest, sparked some interesting ideas for me... If only they tended to come out as well as I plan them to! :p
    AnonReturns likes this.
  4. Both of these questions have already been answered in the thread, and one of these questions have already been asked by you and answered.

    No, you can't submit multiple builds. Yes, you can use Creative Mode.
    607 and PenguinDJ like this.
  5. But you can't really say no one plays with Nerf guns by basing it off one area.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  6. Yes, I can, actually. Scotland and Wales are very similar to North England, so chances are most of those guys don't play with Nerf guns. The West Country probably won't, either. I have no clue about the Midlands, and London (which holds most of the UK's population) probably won't because practically no children live there :p
  7. I sometimes still play with my Nerf guns at home (Which is London, didn't bring them to university with me) purely because it's incredibly satisfying to shoot my brother :p
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  8. Finished the first level.... literally the first level. Making an empire symbol in minecraft is not an easy feat when using only 60x60
    khixan likes this.
  9. I'm makin' the Endor Bunker, on res 8804 of smp4 if anyone wants to see eet!
    khixan likes this.
  10. This is a good idea for fans of star wars alike!
    I can't wait to see the awesome ideas everyone will come up with :)
    And the force is strong with this one

  11. im not sorry
    ILTG and w0rld_craft3r like this.
  12. For anyone using a Single Player Submission; What did you use to upload your single player world? MediaFire do not work for me.
  13. I'd recommend Google Drive.
  14. On these things, I go big! Then I get bored... and go home. lol. Still half a statue with the most time consuming part not even touched. oh well. also nerf guns: <3 27 years old and still own 3 and love getting my soon to be 4 year old and watching her cringe like I tickled her.
  15. Yes you can but you have to put a the download link for your map. Do you know how to do that?
  16. yep, going to be in the contest defintentely,