Correction: Real event in 30 minutes I'm going to start a group on smp4 tonight, but I don't have any staff features. Maybe the real event will start late??, but we can have plenty of fun. Log on to smp3 and ask for an invite.
I don't know if that's a texture pack. All the textures look the same. Its bright though, and pretty so I would venture to guess shaders? Either way its nice
Correction: I can't do FNM sadly today since there is gonna be a huge storm in the New York area where I am that will hit at around 6 PM. Sorry, maybe next Friday ;-;
Thanks to BreezyMan and all the other staff for helping/hosting! I got some ores from this which helped my DP. Also, shoutout to ChickenDice for building the road to spawn. I had a great time.