Mine dates from the IRC days, sort off. Before this one I used the nick Lion-O quite a lot, it sterns from one of my favourite cartoons: ThunderCats (but the original series mind you, not the weird remake). I didn't really grow tired of it but at one point I still felt that my nick was highly unoriginal. Basically imitating stuff. Surely I could do better? So I came up with something new. Because I spend quite some time on consoles during those days (command lines; Unix server administration and such) I soon came up with shell user. And just to poke a little fun I capitalized the L to emphasize on something I'd like to think I'm not
I've told the story of my username a few times, but people seem to be curious about its origin sometimes so I'll share it again ^_^ I actually picked this name because of my cat, who my husband decided to name, "Seven Finger Death Punch of the Apocalypse." We just call her "Seven" for short The reason he came up with such a unique name is because she has a unique condition called Polydactyly. It's just a fancy word for having extra claws on all of her feet. She has seven on each of her front feet that make it look like she has a thumbs. So that's who DeathPunchKitty really is!
http://empireminecraft.com/threads/hello-im-shyguythegamer1-or-iamshyguynow-as-you-know.56666/ Pathetically simple. It even tells me about my life ._.
Well, its Kinda Simple. It originated as a Forum Username, combining an Adjective that I thought of on the spot, Plus my Favorite Animal, the Walrus, and thus AverageWalrus was born.
I love killing things in general on minecraft. Captrix means huntress and my name is Kat, so I just changed it to a K. Voila.
Mine used to be BlackKnight1021. That was in part because of my high school's mascot, and in part because I love Monty Python. I still love Monty Python, but I came to loathe the letters after my name. Still like knights, so that stayed, and I'm called BK on 8, as well as burger king sometimes, so I took that and ran with it.
I've been using some version of "Stagger" for years now, because of a FPS game I used to play, called Delta Force: Black Hawk Down. I was pretty good at its DM/TDM and one day, after wiping out a group of opponents, a friend of mine said, "Dude, seriously... Your game play is so staggering, I can't even stay alive long enough to think straight". The next day, just for laughs, I changed my name to Stagger. I guess it they liked it, because even after I changed it again, everyone still referred to me as "Stagger".
Eve - my IRL name, Esther - My sister's IRL name, y - another one of my sisters' (I have 3) IRL names. Well, the end of it anyway. Her name is Mary. My MC account started out as a shared account, but then Esther got her own MC account (CatLady808), and Mary is 5, so she doesn't really play MC anyway, so I now have the account all to myself.
I remember getting mc wayyy back in 2013. I was REALLY sleepy because it was summer vacation and I was up all night. Well it told me to put in a name, so I thought it meant I had to put my name in so I put in Salman Majid. Then it said you can't have spaces so stupid old me, still unaware that it was telling me to put in a USERNAME and not my actual name, put a _ between the two. It was only later that I realized, and by then it was too late and you couldn't change usernames which really pissed me off ";/ I know I'm an idiot. When the username thing finally came out, I changed it to Salmatic, because everyone calls me Sal and so I mashed it with automatic (which is a cool word) and made Salmatic DD plus I didn't want any underscores or numbers, because having a name without em makes it more original you know what I'm sayin
I like the music artist Galantis. I saw a vehicle that had the word Galvanizer printed on the side. I have no idea what that meant... I mixed the two, because they both started with G and sound pretty cool. Galantisizer was born. (Also, my current avatar is a child sitting in front of a television with an image of the "Keys N' Krates" logo. (Music artist)