The funny picture thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Apr 29, 2012.

  1. I found this more humorous than anything else. It's kind of funny that this guy doesn't even realize the amount of irony, contradictory statements, and incorrect information in that one post.

    Back to the thread topic... Oh no.
    iNachos10, FDNY21 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  2. I can imagine it now. They eventually get banned. Then, they try to DDoS EMC because they think that is how you hack/use a backdoor, which ends up not working because a DDoS is not a hack lol.

  3. So, illuminati confirmed??? It is there... how can you deny it when it appears everywhere, in books, movies, etc? Must be... illuminati confirmed! :p
    FacepalmRhy and nuclearbobomb like this.
  4. I don't think I get it.
  5. When most people see the part saying "There's no angry way of saying bubbles," which is funny in itself because I don't know what bubbles have to do with a church, they immediately try to say "bubbles" in an angry way. The second part of the sign is referencing the fact that yes, you probably did try it. :p
    607 and Jstclair41 like this.

  6. This is also my sing but idc
  7. Apologies up front to Chickeneer for deliberately ripping the following scene totally out of context. But yah, I almost spilled my beer over this one:

  8. :eek:
    I'm part of that picture :D
    See the quote from me :D

  9. I wish :( So i get kicked For Spa- i said to much… but anyway.. I wanna be a Admin *Hint Hint*
  10. Best number plate for a learner car that I've ever seen...
    607 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  11. Hahaha, that's quite great xD
    FDNY21 likes this.
  12. I wonder how the learner driver feels about the plate :rolleyes:
    607 likes this.
  13. Turbulence, by The Oatmeal
    Kitchen Tips, by xkcd
    ChamelonNYC, Mayoman100 and FDNY21 like this.