The funny picture thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Apr 29, 2012.

  1. What Disney tells you are lies. Wishing on a star will never make your dreams
    come true, because that star may be already dead. Some of the stars in the sky you
    see may already be dead, either way, wishing on them isn't going to do anything,
    other than waste your time, in order to really make wishes come true, you have to work hard,
    make money, and do hard work to reach your wishes or goals. Simply put, Disney is teaching lies,
    evil, stupid lies. What we learned today: Wishing on stars is a waste of time, since it only makes
    you feel good, hard work=wishes finally coming true, magic doesn't make wishes come true, Disney is teaching us lies, and memes are awesome, just my opinion. amazing memes=amazing memes, awesome is awesome, cool is cool. unicornz poop rainbows, you know, cuz they don't exist. if i had a pet unicorn, i'd name it PoopMeSomeRainbowsPleaseByNacho2.
  2. More cute than funny but, I don't care :p

  3. Cuteness awaits me, here I come!
    KarateKitKat and hashhog3000 like this.
  4. Here are some detention slips that entertained me.

    And, of course, the fatal mistake for anyone, whether you are student, spouse, or child...

    Quick... someone get Jack!
  5. God_Of_Gods likes this.
  6. aww thats both solo cute
  7. It didn't upload :eek:
    Edit: never mind lol
  8. More hate-mail, this time from someone who can't handle being wrong.:p

    I love how the first sentence is immediately contradicted by rest of the message.:rolleyes:
    PenguinDJ, iNachos10, FDNY21 and 8 others like this.
  9. AverageWalrus and jkjkjk182 like this.