How about my skin? Current name (not on EMC): AngelHelloKitty Image: Me holding hands with my great friend krysyyjane9191 Extra: Pretty back round ViewPoint: Us walking along a street holding hands Price: 1000R? I'll leave something down below if I want to cancel.
Sorry but I don't model cartoon characters such as Hello Kitty. But if you're saying that you want to have two minecraft versions of you hugging one another, that I can do. But know that you have to have the required amount before you request an avatar.
We're getting a bit off topic here? And kitty, you kinda did type 100 but as long as you changed it to 1000, I'm fine ^-^
I'm not sure what types of files you use so I'll just ask anyway, is it possible to get a particular car put into an image with my avatar? Something that say, looks a little like this but with me in front of the car instead? This might be a longshot but if it's possible then it would be worth it!
If you're asking about my avatar, it's Grobold This request is.. interesting. I'll try to model a car, but I'm not saying that it will be like the one in the picture
Ah, it would have to be that exact one (the original Audi ur quattro), no worries if it can't be done though
I think you can imagine that being much harder to do than relatively simple, blocky characters, though
The characters can be imported easily and only need to be positioned and animated, if you know how to do it, it isn't actually that lengthy of a process - as for a car, if there is a file already for it, then that again can be imported easily and positioned with my imported avatar also and easily be animated. The problem is just that, however - whether or not there is a file already for it. If there's not one on the internet then I don't really know what happens from there... Just stick to another avatar, I guess