[FORUM GAME] U.R.F. Steelgate

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jun 23, 2015.

  1. *Sigh*. After watching Jax run away, I turn back to Alaric. "Well, judging from your description of yourself, I think we might go well together."
  2. "What do you mean by that?" I say with a wary look.
  3. I continue with my strolls though out the prison in normal behavior. But i was being reserved not being normal in thar way.
  4. I remain in my cell and look around, scanning the walls for possible escape routes
  5. Okay, I didn't expect that at all. "Well, wouldn't you like some company occasionally? Or are you rather on your own?"

  6. I sit in my cell, deciding to cool down in their instead of taking it out on other people
    607 likes this.
  7. That's a bit OP...
    607, herocrafter2912 and AliceF3 like this.
  8. It was taken away when he went to jail...
  9. "Oh... Yeah... Friendship." I say as I blush. "No, that would be great..."
    I wasn't sure if you meant boyfriend & girlfriend because you and Jax seem to have a "thing". This dark text is out-of-character, by the way.
    607 likes this.
  10. Oh, in character text, out of character text.
  11. Literally no idea what you're talking about
  12. I find Jax sitting in his cell sad I desided to speak up, "Why the long face laddy? You seem to be cheerful fellow this isnt common." I glance at him with wonder.
  13. I look away slightly awkwardly, and look back. "Uh, sorry, but what's your name? I can't recall if you told me it or not."
    First: that dark colour is quite hard to read. Not problematic, but I need squeeze half into my iPad :P
    Second: Foxy seemed to think that too, I don't know where you get that from xD
  14. I say hi to nuclearbobomb's character.
  15. I look up at Foxy, "Nothing, I'm fine" I snap
  16. I say to Alice's character with a grin "You don't have to be so salty. C'mon, loosen up! I mean, we don't have to work, we don't have to pay taxes, we're set bro!"
  17. Okay.
    "My name is Alaric Morgan."
    Is this better?
  18. His name is Jax...

    "We're set?" I say mockingly, "Yeah, set to be stuck in here for the rest of our lives" I snap "That sounds like a dream"
    607 likes this.
  19. Noticing the hint of sarcasm in Jax's voice, I say "I'm serious. This IS living the dream. Even though we have strict boundaries, we DON'T have to work. To me, that's living the dream."

    Also, I'm hoping AliceF3 does not behave the same way as Jax in EMC or reality. =P
  20. I'm hoping the same for you...
    I nod, trying to get myself to remember the name. Alaric.
    My face turns more serious. "I'm pretty sure that guard was hiding something..."
    Yeah, I like that colour.