AGA- The Opposition

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by CoryLovesYou, Jul 10, 2015.

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  1. But if we countered it with tactics, wouldn't that be oppression? ;)
    boozle628, FDNY21 and PenguinDJ like this.
  2. Efficient gold farms are expensive and take a long amount of time and a lot of dedication to make. Speed mining gets you money, sure. But you may not want to spend 5k for 30 seconds of overpowered regen. And other than teaming, what tactics do you suggest against golden apples? I would love to use some, unless it is teaming up. Because that has already been suggested, evidently.

    Not saying that that's what the AGA thinks, sorry if that's how it came across. That was just my opinion.
    PenguinDJ, Dr_Chocolate14 and FDNY21 like this.
  3. EMC already had a way to go against these gapple users, the community. We had an understanding with most the old/good pvpers that we team up against gapple users. An entire group wasn't need for it? I'd say the aga had good intents, but was just put into action the wrong way.
    Nccoryg likes this.
  4. It had good intents, in bad ways.
  5. I really don't care...
    Creating a group against teamers and god applers does that make your point invalid? I mean look you will team against the teamers and use anything necessary to remove them.
    (Godapples & potions) So I'll hold off
    Both groups including yours are causing nothing trouble as of ways of pvp. I don't use god apples myself plus I have a 50/50 set of diamond and iron. I can care less if I lose... I use potions only in staff vs the world but only then. I'd say if you want to have fair fights and stop the bickering, I think you should focus your attention to limiting bows, god apples, and potions in general.

    For now I'll be fishing on the Docks of pvp. :p
    FWRonald likes this.
  6. Gapples are a big no... none of us will use gapples at any point. In regards to teams, the simple answer is, solo members cannot take down teams (if, hypothetically, all players are equally skilled and have equal gear). As soon as we can, we disband the team. We'll fight fire with fire, if that's what it's going to take.
    Our group had only good intentions and, in my opinion, caused absolutely no problems. Sure, people disagreed with us, but that was bound to happen to a minor degree.

    The only trouble was started through this thread and its creator.
  7. I hate to return to this thread that I thought I had left behind, but...
    I rest my case once more.
    FDNY21 and PenguinDJ like this.
  8. As Dwight said, you should have known this would happen.

    And I don't believe the AAGA were the ones at PVP saying " Oh no its the AAGA! Hide your kids! Hide your wifes!" Now, that is harassment, and I could have reported it.
  9. It was a joke, chill out.

    But as JackBiggin said, our opinions, as yours, are welcome. We shouldn't get bashed on for our opinions. Thank you.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  10. I am not bashing anyone for their opinions, I've left this thread open to let anyone else who is against the AGA voice their opinion. But if that "Ooh it's the AAGA!" crap happens again, you will have a harassment report, and I'm sure the AGA won't be a problem anymore.
  11. Yes, I understand your points entirely but in fourms they seems to be slaughter fests for opinioners like myself. I truly hate the idea of unfair pvp but I'm not going to join a group because of that reason. I'll fight through it and if wanting to, create a group on the fly. But to think to join a group you get almost the same amount of buffs as a gold apple. So one point there why god apples aren't needed. God apples are important for smp6's economy as Nccoryg noted. I mean it can go either way. So I will try to rest my cause there.
  12. Chill out. Can ya take a joke? :p
    PenguinDJ likes this.

  13. That quote had nothing to do with the AAGA and instead with the discussion of gapples on the real AGA thread.

    And, hypothetically, let's say it was supposed to do with the AAGA. I expected some resistance, of course, mainly from the people who use gapples. I don't think anyone could've predicted this... whatever this thread is.
  14. I didn't know faking being scared was bannable.
    FDNY21 likes this.
  15. Everyone should just remember that it's a gold apple. Only an apple. If you're against the idea of using god apples, then don't use them. If you like to use the apples, then go for it. Just remember that it's just a game. There's no need to be fighting over an apple. :D
    FDNY21, Luckypat and PenguinDJ like this.
  16. Continuously saying something offensive when someone enters a serve is though.
  17. This, so much this. This was never supposed to be a war, and I want it to stop.
  18. You clearly did not find it offensive. You started chatting with us, not showing any signs of being offended but rather calling us kids, which we are ALL acting like.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  19. No? That would be tactics.
  20. Alerting my team that a player that wants our heads is in the arenas isn't allowed? :confused:
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