SMP8, you worry me.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Kephras, Aug 24, 2014.

  1. OMA


    Tuqueque likes this.
  2. "QUITE" typical...?

    It is ingrained into smp8's very genetic structure. >:U
    Tuqueque and Codygraw like this.
  3. I find it pretty sad that we now have 25 pages of just smp8's weirdness, that is a lot of weirdness...
    Tuqueque likes this.
  4. It's good weirdness!
    Wait, did you post that at 6:18 AM? :confused:
    tuqueque, Ultimamaxx and khixan like this.
  5. A), he might have been in a different country/time zone, and B), 6:18 AM isn't at all unusual or early for most of us morning-loving folks. :p
    Tuqueque, 607 and NathanRP like this.
  6. A)I know his timezone xD

    B) Nu, that's called addiction xD
    Tuqueque likes this.
  7. Some of us would call sleeping past 7:30 addiction. :p
    Tuqueque, poofasaurus and 607 like this.
  8. Sleep addiction <3
    Tuqueque likes this.
  9. Sleep is for the Weak!
    Just kidding. I sleep 7-9 hours all the time. Its okay to wake up early. Sometimes you gotta if you wana get the computer or tv before your siblings.
    Tuqueque, ShadowMiner787 and UltiPig like this.
  10. Attached Files:

  11. I just spent an hour reading through these pages from my pre-smp8 days.
  12. Welcome to the madness. You'll see a bin to your left upon entry. Please discard your sanity in there, and we'll get down to business
  13. ... but the bin is on the right.
  14. Maybe in three-dimensional euclidean space.
    Tuqueque and BurgerKnight like this.
  15. I lost my own mind, what makes you think I can keep track of a bin?
  16. You're right.
    The bin is much bigger than your mind, so how could you possibly manage to track it? >.>
    *places down a card, looks at it, then flicks it over your shoulder*
    Go fetch, pony boy.
    I'm tired.

    Did you find your mind yet?
  17. "There.. are.. FOUR LIGHTS!" - Picard
  18. Attempting to quell the madness herein with such statements is akin to stopping a hurricane by pursing your lips and blowing at it.