This was done on a phone... vertically. I usually always type horizontally, but the words disappeared when I tried that. Will have actual results later.
Hm, that's about what I figured. I basically only use my index and middle fingers, having never learned "proper" typing form. I can't really compete with some of the scores I see here, though.
I normally do ~85 WPM on my desktop keyboard. However, since I'm still getting used to my laptop keyboard, it's down to about 70 WPM on my laptop. Depending on the text difficulty I might even crack 90 from time to time.
I got 53 WPM my first try using "My way of typing" and 30 WPM using "Proper Form" I have barely improved and I still stink at touch typing, even after a year of doing Edutyping...
I got 65 on my first, and 86 on my second. I don't actually type using proper hand positions - I type using solely my middle fingers.
Eh? My 6th-grade middle school computer class (or was it elementary school...) taught us to type past 120wpm on desktop keyboards. I'd always thought this was normal. Some people i know type over 200 wpm.
Interesting. 74 at the end of the evening and I had a few "orange juices" which I often drink during weekend evenings. Gonna try this again tomorrow 8)
First try on keyboard: 97. I got to learn to keep going when I type something wrong, right? I always fix it, but perhaps that makes it much slower.
Actually (again according to Wikipedia) average speed is much lower, only around 50 to 80 for a professional typist and up to 95 for jobs that need to save as much time as possible. I HIGHLY doubt this after reading the information below. Think about it: 200 WPM is 16.17 characters per second! It's POSSIBLE that you are thinking of somebody using a stenotype keyboard, which allow for much faster speeds. In the world of EMC, we call this 'cheating.' My personal speed is 108, but I'll work on getting faster.
Nu, we were just talking about regular typing and regular testing (well, school-regulated testing). >.> besides... Not everyone asks the world record people to record them while typing.
Funny thing is, the QWERTY keyboard is designed to slow you down. The original keyboard for typewriters meant people could type quite quickly, however typing too fast would cause the typewriter to jam and break. To fix this, they made QWERTY. It meant people typed slower. Although when computers came around, instead of re-inventing the widely used keyboard type, they kept it.