Server Problems, Post Here!

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by chickeneer, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. Same, i cant log in... it says : "Kicked Whilst Connecting to smp1..... i was conected to smp4 not smp1 :(
    Haileyy6 likes this.
  2. I miss my account too. Apparently mine is on smp1 without me, doing who knows what....
    Haileyy6 and p2nda like this.
  3. mee too #Hate this
    smp4 is a little frustrating and how long does this last ?!
  4. Been crying for so long
    at firs i thought it was my computer
    I was about to go outside and smash my computer with a hammer lol
  5. It's missing Bacon.
    nutriciousbudha likes this.
  6. Can we get an update from staff on what might be going on or if we'll be able to get back on tonight? Should we sacrifice a goat to the SMP4 gods? :p
  7. I can get back into smp4 now :)
    p2nda likes this.
  8. sorry forgot to post it was back up!

    Odd thing is, I was away, got home and saw staff talking about it, but my monitor dashboard showed like 30 people online, so I thought it had restarted itself.

    Then I see people still talking about it.... It was a weird crash. It should of restarted itself...
  9. SMP2

    I died in the wastelands, specifically north outpost
    when I returned there I did not found "all" of my stuff
    for example: 2 stacks of iron ore and I found 2 iron ore
    I had literally "8" Diamonds and I retrieved "1" diamond
    and I didn't have my Empire assistant when I spawned in my res

    Please fix this I dont care if I dont get my stuff back I just care for this bug to be fixed
    HunKoon15 likes this.
  10. Regarding the Assistant (I can't comment on the rest of it), you won't spawn with one when you die. As soon as you finish the tutorial, and when you join a new server, you'll stop getting them automatically.

    However, if you need a new one, do /assist new and you'll get one for free. Just note that this only works once every two days.
    HunKoon15 likes this.
  11. Servers seem to be down except for Utopia for me
  12. Found another "bug" as it may. Whenever I try to use an "Empire Firework" in a dispenser it fires it off but then it just disappears. No explosion. But if you do it by hand you do get the explosion.
  13. Lmao
    mercenaries2009 likes this.
  14. The server lag start to get extremnet terrible. chest open delays of seconds or longer. already seen /TPS warnings tonight. request tps status is delayed too. it's going as low as 3.51
  15. /TPS 2.1 , 7.37 , 12.7

    It's still dropping, it cannot take long or things screek to a halt.
    Edit, aha green numbers appear.
  16. I see people diconnecting and reconnecting over and over and when I try to join another SMP it says "sorry you can only be connected to one emc server at a time"
    tuqueque likes this.
  17. i've been stuck in the same spot in a cave for 20 minutes now.
  18. tps- 2.06 | 7.29 | 12.62
  19. smp7, smp8 and smp9 seems to have issues, all others are fine, just the one server