I am keeping my name the same might put upper cases in it idk yet. My name is a one if a kind i have it on every thing.
I hate 1.8 made enchanting harder and fence making more expensive and allot of other things wrong with it >.>
But you use up less levels, and you can see one of the enchants you'll get. Plus, you'll finally have a use for your lapis.
I still prefer the really old system, atleast certain enchantments were considered rare back in those days...
I like 'TehrandomX' BUT I'm Stuck On A Name To Choose... Also There Are Some Pros And Cons.. (Obviously) Pros: 1: My Name Wont Let People Think I'm A Boy Any More 2. I Can Pick Any Name! (COOL!) Cons: 1. Everyone Will Be Wondering Who I Am 2. What If People Think My Name Rubbish? 3. The Suspense Is REAL!
Truthfully, I hate my name just because it is bland and doesn't fit my personality. I can't wait for EMC to change the code so you can accept name changes. I actually did change my name it is [Xx_CjBruh_xX] I'd just want to be something different than claaaaan. That is the name now. But if you think that is a wrong name for me, gladly message me for name suggestions.
The only thing that good thing that came out was armor stands. That is the only thing I like about the new update. I don't understand why they have to revamp the whole enchantment leveling system again. Your right it was fine as is but Mojang thinks otherwise. I remember a time when I was here around update 1.0.0. There were so many problems dealing with how much exp you get and how much items cost to enchant it. (Used to be 50 levels for a good item and no anvils) That is why I saw a old post going for a fortune 3 eff 5 unbreaking 3 go for over 20k. Wish had the link but I am sure people who were here in 11' will know.
Hm, don't you think you could choose a name without Xx_ or something alike before and after it? No offence, but such names bother some people, because they're hard to remember and type. ("how many x's were it again? Oh wait, they should be at the end too. Whoops, forgot the underscore") I think you get what I mean. It's not really a problem, but if there's a different good choice, I'd advise for that one instead, I think.
Hmmm, I'll try something different but it will have to wait. As jumping the gun and my personality, I changed it so I have to wait a month. But for now how about this name when I get the chance to change it? [FoxyRavager] I see some of the posts on the thread but since I am "Technically" new to most of you all I think it's better to know me by a better name than claaaaaaaaaaaan
i changed my name because damien is not my only child now. ill actually be changing all my tags to my new name eventually.