[Community] The Golden Empire - Single Player Map Project - Eclipsys

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by Eclipsys, Apr 8, 2012.


Do you like this project?

YES! I wanted to use EMC residences in SP for a long time! 193 vote(s) 85.8%
No, i'd rather keep online buildings online 32 vote(s) 14.2%
  1. 16007 on smp8 submitted.

    Also am an English major and good at writing lore, if you need help.
  2. I would love havin my smp3 castle put on it
  3. So... could you simplify this... Single fusion Online thing?
  4. Interesting idea.
    Here is the progress on my res @ 16002, Eclipsys. Ya know- the res you were going to help with? =P

    Not sure when this will be done to be added though.
    607 likes this.
  5. Great project!
  6. Yessir. just tell me when you need me! I've been busy with college lately =p
  7. Can I nominate someone else's Residence?
  8. I just submitted my res :)
  9. Nominations Might come later, this project is still gathering residences =p
  10. eclyps i could help with the transfer
  11. SMP3, res 7345 submitted
    marknaaijer likes this.
  12. Pesky college gettin' in the way...
  13. Its the final strawl towards the exams my good sir =p. Now it is necessary to get good grades in order for me to play MC :D
  14. IF you need help with the transfer i could help
  15. i guuuuessss lol
    EukkaLyptuzz likes this.
  16. transfer to the ''workbench'' server you mean =p?
  17. Coz after those exams my school years over -> Meaning i'll have a lot of free time on my hands:D
    Cypher_Rahl likes this.
  18. can i donate 1k
  19. Yes my good sir you can indeed :D!
  20. lol, which one? :p