[Forum Game] New Nations 2

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. We do have a minor claim to part of the Mediterranean Sea as we border it, but we did not intend it in the sense that you took it. It was more of a "Defending trade routes from a developing pirate problem" than a "Mwahahaha we will take over the Mediterranean!"
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  2. So, someone give me a run-down while I'm away.
    And I'm fine with not going to space, as long as I can use my research to go to space nearly immediately when possible.
    It is also STUPIDLY unrealistic for nations like ER to be investing in space with separate space programs against the likes of Sebia, New Kalmar, and the Soviet Union.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  3. How do you mean? Many nations have created space programs by themselves.
    SEPTHEKID, SoulPunisher and nfell2009 like this.
  4. Pro-European Commonwealth fighters have began to gain ground in Mongolia, although their death toll is much higher than the FoTFC's. The European Commonwealth have began giving these fighters weapons and have invested in their basic training.

    Many of those fighting for those rebelling against FoTFC are defending towns across the border. The Higher Council of the European Commonwealth have heard reports that a group of several soldiers were sent to the border control of China to ask for help in defending a small town - the border control had them captured (although one escaped), chained up for 72 hours in a dark room with no food and only water leaking through a ceiling to quench their thirst. They were, apparently, shot to death by a Sebian firing squad.

    The President of the European Commonwealth has stated that Sebia's method of keeping terrorists out of the country is overkill, inhumane and poorly thought out.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  5. Recent intelligence actually points towards New Kalmar investing into the FoTFC. We are investigating more into this.

    Sebia begins work on a new set of long range anti-ship cannons, guns and missile launchers on the coast of all member states [12 turns].

    We have repeatedly said that irritation causes action. Remove your ships or face the consequences.

    We have currently NOT killed anyone. Orders have not been set. Anyone who has been killed attacked our soliders first and it was a means of self-defence.

    Sebia will look into this. No orders have been given to kill unless attacked. They definitely should not have killed any EC soldiers.
    607 and SEPTHEKID like this.
  6. New Kalmar is absolutely disgusted that you would even think to say that. We have not, will not, and never will invest in a terrorist organisation - especially one who seeks to rid us of our land. Just think for a second; why would we support a terrorist organisation that seeks to get rid of our land and is persistent in attacking troops stationed on European Commonwealth borders? We also have reason to believe the FoTFC are behind a recent terror attack in Madrid - European Commonwealth land.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  7. Name: Sia
    Participating Countries: Brazil, Saudi Arabia, India and Sudan
    National Language: English, with some local languages used
    Government Policies: Very Democratic, religion is on a decline with atheism increasing. We wish to grow massively in our states however don't plan on expansion else where.
    607, mba2012 and SEPTHEKID like this.
  8. We would like to invite you to join Pacific Alliance. A group who work together to build a better world.

    Currently attacks have only been done towards China. We find it quite suspicious on how a terrorist organisation against both of our groups only attack us.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  9. Didn't expect that :p But hey, sure! :)

    I have read the recent posts of the thread to catch myself up and see there is battle in the Mediterranean sea. This is a key trade route for
    Saudi Arabia. We will get involved if required.

    Sia begins work on a new set of ships: 6 turns
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  10. A independent nation from the former Third-world has more concerns than to get to space immediately.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  11. Sebia has been involved in their development. We're aiding them where we can as well as working with you.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  12. The European Commonwealth would like to object; the borders of Russia have also been attacked, they may have gunned down innocent civilians in the Spanish city of Madrid, and evidence is beginning to put the blame on them for the merciless assassination of our former Prime Minister - we have it much worse than you.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  13. We were not informed about any attacks on Russia. I believe it's in our best interests to suppress this terrorist organisation. Sebia is willing to move soldiers from China into Mongolia, and launch air attacks if required. This would of course be at the permission of the EC.

    We have regained control of all towns and villages which were taken over. The death count is relatively low. All Mongolians captured are currently in holding, waiting for a decision to be made by the EC on what to do with them.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  14. We want the Mongolian citizens returned to their respective hometowns, cities and villages immediately.

    You have our permission to launch air strikes on areas still held by the terrorist groups, of which there are many villages and small towns. The European Commonwealth will do the same.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  15. All citizens have been returned.

    Air strikes are being launched on known locations containing the group.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  16. Sorry, did not know that.
    So, its basically equal to the American-British support for each other in their "space plans"?
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  17. After several requests from Finland, whose economy completely crashed after the war, it has now become part of the European Commonwealth. Due to the recent expansion of the Pacific Alliance with the joining of Sia to their already massive alliance, the European Commonwealth have began to discuss the transforming of Iraq and Kazakhstan into both buffer and satellite states with their respective, crippled governments. All three nations are expected to finish their forming into satellite/buffer states for the European Commonwealth by the end of 1954.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  18. Who on earth is FoTFC?
    Federation of Tigers From China?
    The Soviets issue a warning to FoTFC saying:
    "If you attack our borders again, we will re-mobilise the Red Army and gladly repeat what we did to the Wehrmacht in the latter stages of WW2, this time much worse."
    The Soviets also withdraw from the EC, having much better things to waste their time on, like those high-speed passenger trains and German jet fighters.
    The passenger trains and lines have been finished, as well as the jet fighters based off the Messerschmitt Me 262.
    (The passenger trains are like the Flying Hamburger. Nothing too futuristic)
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  19. Mexico and Argentina were crippled by European market crashes, corrupt government officials and a lack of trading. Because of this, both countries will be joining their respective neighbouring nation. Mexico to join Sebia and Argentina to join Sia. This will be completed in 10 turns
    607 and SEPTHEKID like this.
  20. Our apologies. As a show of good will, you will have unrequited access to the Seuss Canal for the next 5 years.
    607 and SEPTHEKID like this.