18200 Empire Minecraft Museum!

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by FDNY21, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. Update #39!
    • Remembrance Poppy and accommodating information has been added to the Promotional Items floor! :)
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  2. Made updates to the original post of this thread :)
  3. Captured this pretty decent shot whilst at the Museum! :)
    NathanRP, hashhog3000 and penfoldex like this.
  4. Dragon Egg Guides now stocked again, you guys are really taking a liking to the 18200 Maps and those Guides! All items now in stock!

    If you want to sell a special item in the Museum then you may PM me as I have one spare space left at the back for somebody else to sell an item(s) if they wish.

    Have a good day! :)
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  5. Dragon Egg Guides have been restocked since they all flew out last time I restocked them! if they go out again and you would like one then please post here, thanks :)
  6. Update #40! (Woop!)
    • Ham Hacker has been added to the Promotional items floor!
    We're very tight for space now on the Promotional items floor, I may have to stick all of the stands together to make way for new items, which may be the only way to go in this case without a complete floor change... (to the point of extending it...)

    If anyone has any other ideas on how to consolidate some of the item stands at the Museum though then please do PM me! If you have a brilliant idea that I end up using (or even a simple one that I use) then expect some Fendy bucks going your way :)
  7. Update #41! :D
    • Made a small change to the brick slabs at the back by the Canada flag (minor)
    • Now introducing The Showroom!
    The Showroom: What is it?
    The Showroom is an underground addition to the Museum, easily accessible by all, containing items from another collection that are temporarily at the Museum.
    What is currently in the Showroom?
    Some items from Faithcaster are currently being show cased in The Showroom, big thanks to him for loaning the items to the Museum while he is offline! You can now still enjoy seeing some of Faith's rarest items in the comfort of another Museum, come over to 18200 today!
    How do I get to The Showroom?
    Just use /v 18200 or /v FDNY21 2 and then turn behind you! You will see the stairs straight away, just walk on down and the doors should be wide open to welcome you right away... Enjoy!
  8. Adjusted prices at the Gift Shop :)
  9. Update #42! :)
    Following the amazing launch of The Showroom, we now have... The Christmas Corner!

    What is the Christmas Corner?
    The Christmas Corner is a small, snowy area of the Museum where we have some special deals on!

    What items are available there?
    1. 18200 Map Art - Bag this amazing Map Art, exclusive to SMP9 from 1,999r down to just 1,499r!
    2. Dragon Egg Guide V2 - Newly released, grab this bargain for a discount price of 3,999r for limited time only!
    3. Dragon Egg Guide - The first edition of the Guide is now 2,000r off at a whopping 2,999r! Once these are gone, they are GONE!
    4. Gold Referral Block - The November 2014 Gold Referral Block is just 299,999r, it's a one-of-a-kind item!
    5. Diamond Voucher - Grab yourself some Diamond Supportership this Christmas for only 479,999r!
    Are there any special deals on?
    • The Dragon Egg Guide V2 is being sold for 3,999r for a limited time only!
    • If you trade in your first edition Dragon Egg Guide then you can bag the Dragon Egg Guide V2 for 1,000r off at only 2,999r! PM for details! DEAL NOW OVER
    • The 18200 Map Art is now 500r off at the very handsome price of 1,499r for a limited time only!
    How long do I have to get these items and access these deals?
    The Christmas Corner is open until the end of 2014/the start of 2015 but it's hard to say how fast these items may fly out and go out of stock so get there as soon as possible!
    penfoldex and Gadget_AD like this.
  10. Just a note to all that the original "Dragon Egg Guide" chest now only has FOUR of the books left. These are only 2,999r a pop. These four are the last to be produced and no more will be made. The "Dragon Egg Guide V2" however will take the place of the original and soon become the only Dragon Egg Guide to be sold by myself so if you want an original, now is the time to grab one, cheap! Merry Christmas from 18200!
  11. A quick reminder that there are now only three of the Original "Dragon Egg Guides" left, remember that these will never be produced again so make sure you grab one quickly! Only 2,999r!

    Alternatively if you want a more recent version, the V2 is on special offer for 3,999r. There are seven of these left but if the V2 version goes out of stock then message me and I shall restock it for you! :)

    A final update in this post to say that the Dragon Egg Guide special offer where you could get a discount by trading in your old one is now over - we want to keep the Original ones as rare as possible. These three that are left are the last!
  12. I took a look at this museum and it is amazing! Details about everything, very useful for finding out info about promos, super rares, and really just an awesome place to go :D 10/10 on the caden-o-meter!
    NoahMarcusWhite and FDNY21 like this.
  13. Thanks a lot cadenman2002, I'll be adding this comment on the Museum to the main post along with another one to show other members viewing the page what others think of it. Thanks again! :)
    NoahMarcusWhite likes this.
  14. Stopped by and looks great!

    I have some interesting facts for your Dragon egg book if you decide to make a v3.
  15. Thanks ignoramoose! Do you think you could PM the facts to me now so that I could possibly use them in the future or something else? The V2 has only just come out so it won't be replaced for a good while but who knows, there may be a V3 in the future! :p
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  16. Diamond Voucher has been sold for 480k - all other items still in stock, but running low on the Dragon Egg Guides so grab them quickly! :)
  17. There's only two of the original Dragon Egg Guides left now, for only 2,999r! So make sure you grab this bargain as soon as possible, seeing as how a few have gone in the last few days, these last two are sure to go very soon! :)
  18. All of the original Dragon Egg Guides are sold, these will no longer be available to buy but the V2 editions have just been restocked so feel free to pick up one of the newer Guides for the limited-time discount price this Christmas!
  19. Golden Referral Block is now out! Here is an update on the items, stock and prices at the Christmas Corner:
    1. Dragon Egg Guide V2 (10 stocked) - 3,999r (Limited Time Offer)
    2. 18200 Map Art (17 stocked) - 1,499r (Limited Time Offer)
    3. Feast for a King Paper (1 stocked) - 29,999r
    4. Independence Chestplate: Do not claim version (1 stocked) - 34,999r
    5. Christmas Tree: Spruce Sapling (30 stocked) - 2r
    Grab a bargain for Christmas today! Merry Christmas, from Fendy :)
  20. An update on the stock and prices at the Christmas Corner, 18200!
    1. 18200 Map Art (15 stocked) - 1,499r (Limited Time Price)
    2. Independence Chestplate: Do not claim version (1 stocked) - 39,999r
    3. Christmas Tree: Spruce Sapling (30 stocked) - 1r
    4. Dragon Egg Guide V2 (10 stocked) - 3,999r (Limited Time Price)
    5. Feast for a King Paper (1 stocked) - 29,999r