18200 Empire Minecraft Museum!

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by FDNY21, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. Sorry if I'm being ignorant here, but what's an anvil machine? :confused: Like the Minecraft version of a guillotine? :p
  2. Well, I didn't know what else to call it, but it is basically a machine that when the anvil is broken, another one falls into it's place and it keeps going until all the anvils are used (and I can refill them) :p
  3. Ah. That sounds fairly useful. It would drive me crazy to have to repeatedly replace anvils every single time one breaks. :)
    FDNY21 likes this.
  4. Made some updates to the original post!
    • Updated "Notable Items"!
    • Updated our "People who loaned items" spoiler!
    • Added new image to advertise the Museum (shown again below), thanks a bunch to AlexChance for updating it! :D
    Olaf_C, hashhog3000 and TheApostrophe like this.
  5. Update #30! *party poppers*
    • Added cases to the light stands to stop people from turning them off >_>
    • Underground maintenance and tunnels completed, though these are private :)
    Olaf_C and hashhog3000 like this.
  6. Update #31! :D
    • Added an extra slab onto every light stand/lobby teleport!
    • Changed Super Rare floor light stand to quartz to fit the floor!
    • Changed the Gift Shop light stand to nether brick/iron to fit the floor, though I may change it soon as it looks a bit out of place still...
    Those are the current updates for now! :)
    Olaf_C and crafter31211 like this.
  7. Update #32! ;)
    • Added new 2014 Labor Bench!
    • Updated information for Labor Benches!
    • Moved item stands around on the Promo floor!
    • Corrected Ore Buster and Turfinator information, thanks to skyman1212 for pointing that out!
    • Fixed 4th July Promos 2014 button, thanks to KJHaddrell01 for pointing that out, now working!
    That's effectively our Labor Day update done, enjoy! :)
    TheApostrophe and Olaf_C like this.
  8. Acully I can turn it off still but it is very hard, good work though keep it up ;)
    FDNY21 likes this.
  9. anvil machine?
  10. FDNY21 likes this.
  11. It's quite a cool piece of work, very good if you don't want to keep replacing anvils all the time too :p
  12. Update #33 :cool:
    • Returned PvP Aikar Head to MrUnknownian, thanks to him for loaning it!
    • Added PvP Aikar Head (had a spare one...) and updated information for it!
    If I have missed your name somewhere and it should be on the donations list or loaning list then please PM me with the details of that! Thanks all!
    TheApostrophe likes this.
  13. Update #34!
    • Added "Community Defender"!
    • Added "FDNY21's Certificate"!
    • Added stand and information for both of these items on the Super Rares floor!
    To find these items and to learn more about them, you can check pop on down to 18200 Museum and look at the description, or for even more information, visit the EMC Wiki!

    Just use /v 18200, find the Super Rares floor (it is the left one of the middle two) and walk straight ahead to find the stand!
    Thanks everyone!
  14. Update #35 :)
    • Removed the 2013 Birthday Cake, thanks to Olaf_C for loaning this item to the Museum!
    • Added Golden Referral Block, thanks to Olaf_C for loaning this item!
    • Updated Player Head floor!
  15. is my player head in the museum? if not ill mail it to you.
  16. I had a look, but cannot see it up there :p
  17. ok, ill send it too you soon
    FDNY21 likes this.
  18. Head added, thanks! :)
  19. The August 2014 Golden Referral Block has now been purchased and is in the Museum's own hands, on display now (Super Rares floor)! :)
    Gadget_AD and hashhog3000 like this.