Goodbye, we shall meet again one day!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Faithcaster, Nov 26, 2014.

  1. bu.. bu.. bu.. but Faith!!! :( You will be missed. As a few have said.. you are an iconic name here on empire and always helpful and nice. Happy travels and adventuring .. stop by sometime to say hello.
    highlancer54 and 607 like this.
  2. I am quite shocked you are leaving us, after all you have done for this community, and after all this time... If this is what you want, well then I guess there is no stopping you :( it has been a pleasure knowing you, and I hope to meet you again one day on emc :) Fairwell faith -Bren
  3. Sad too hear you go faith good luck! :) fingers crossed for 200k :p
  4. FAITH!!! Nooooo what why what why D: ill miss u forever but pleeeeeeease don't gooooooooo the world will never be the same without you!!! (No this comment isnt just for 200k but it is the truth) I hope we meet again soon im about to cry if we dont meet again!
  5. I didnt think it was til you mentioned it,

    Bye caster, see you again sometime.
    607 likes this.
  6. It's very sad to see you go Faith, I would had never of expected this... It's hard to contemplate how another one of EMCs greatest is off to seek out new adventures but I wish you luck in them and bid you a sweet farewell! We've had lots of great talks and the good ol' Museum chats (in fact, what will happen to your Museum etc?) so I really hope our paths cross again, but until that time... Later, Faith :)
    crystaldragon13 and 607 like this.
  7. I don't even know where to begin, but I will greatly miss our chats.
    You were always a great person to talk with and to have fun with.

    Hope to see you from time to time in the forums, and for the holidays.
    Miss ya Faith. I have noticed you have not been around as much.
    Hope life's journey treats you well.
    crystaldragon13 and 607 like this.
  8. sorry to see you go you by far had the best collecion of promos
  9. Hope you come back soon Faithcaster.
    You we're quite the important person in EMC so it's sad to see you go.
    We all truly wish you come back, even if its for simple visits.
    Have fun wherever your life leads you to. ;)
  10. Hate to see ya go, man.
  11. Wait what?!?! No, buddy! Do you have a Skype or something? This can't be the end!
    On another note it's been great knowing you bro. Thanks for the memories.
    607 and Olaf_C like this.
  12. Wait. Is that really the most important reason you're sorry to see him go? Because of his promos?
  13. We're going to miss you, but Im sure you've already gathered that by now. Bye Faith, good luck with life
    Never forget you!
    607 likes this.
  14. Please don't leave us, if you do, enjoy life and Happy Thanksgiving. I was proud to be your friend and I am still amazed with what you've accomplished in so little time. Nice knowing ya.

  15. Sad to see you go :(
  16. Aww, sad to see you go :/
    I remember you from way back, I hope that you have a good "adventure" or whatever you called it :3
  17. I know I dont talk to people much at all anymore but with the time we have talked its been fun, thanks for everything dude.
  18. hope we see each other in the future, GL! on your future, but soon-coming adventure!
  19. Well... crap... who will I bug for opinions on my builds?! My thrive for attention will not be sated! I demand you return at once or so help me!

    No but srs real sad to see you go mah man.