18200 Empire Minecraft Museum!

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by FDNY21, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. Yay! :D Glad you finally got one. :)
    FDNY21 likes this.
  2. Thanks, Hashy Boo! :rolleyes:
    Olaf_C, hashhog3000 and sambish20 like this.
  3. The Orange Krysyyjane head has been returned to Deadmaster98, a great thanks to him for letting the Museum show it off!

    Original post has been updated :)
  4. It's that time for a new update! :D

    Update #36 :)
    • Changed all light stands to run on redstone torches rather than levers (Thanks hashhog3000 for reminding me!)
    • MatthewDA is now selling some new special items on the Gift Shop floor, go and check it out!
    • Main OP updated on this thread!
    That's all for now, stay safe folks!
    CoolCal14 and hashhog3000 like this.
  5. So.... is this the OFFICIAL Empire Museum..? Or, one of the bigger ones out there? I'd just go to whichever one whas the most actual information on EMC history, and has been approved by admins, with exhibits of scenes and everything! :D
  6. There is no "official" EMC museum that was approved by EMC staff. All museums just tend to show off all the items of EMC. :)
  7. This is not an official museum, but I would say that it is a fairly popular one :) It has exhibits of many items from around EMC so feel free to take a look!
    And basically what Hashy Boo said :p
    CoolCal14 and hashhog3000 like this.
  8. And yet still there is no giant statue of me in the lobby. What do I have to do, conquer Europe and hand it to you? :p
    CoolCal14 and FDNY21 like this.
  9. Nope, not quite... Just buy me a few of these? :rolleyes:
  10. A jpeg? Sure, I can afford a few
    penfoldex and FDNY21 like this.
  11. I see what you did there :rolleyes: But, not quite... :p
  12. Update #37!
    • Thanks to Olaf_C, we now have the Aikar Signature on show on the Event Items floor!
    • Thanks to NetherSpecter for selling at the 18200 Gift Shop, there is now an empty space if anyone would like to take it!
    That's all for this update folks, stay safe! :)
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  13. That works :D
    FDNY21 likes this.
  14. There SHOULD be an official one, though... I know the staff can do it!
    FDNY21 likes this.
  15. I visited this a couple days ago. It was really awesome! :) As a new player, it helped me a ton when it comes to special items, and it was just a fascinating experience in general. If you haven't been here yet, you should definitely go. You won't be disappointed. :) Maybe I'll start my own museum one day...
    hashhog3000 and FDNY21 like this.
  16. Thanks very much Calamochnus! It means a lot and I am glad that it has helped you to do what I needed it to do, that is very reassuring! ;)
    Calamochnus likes this.
  17. The Gift Shop at 18200 has now been restocked and prices have been adjusted! Feel free to check it out if you have some time, and don't forget to take a look at the shops at the back where other sellers can sell their items!
    Calamochnus, ruari342 and hashhog3000 like this.
  18. Yay, gifts! I think I'll buy a t-shirt. <3
    FDNY21 and hashhog3000 like this.
  19. Update #38!
    • 2013 Birthday Cake has been purchased and is now on show!
    • 2013 B/Day Cake information has been written and item is displayed on the Super Rares floor!
    Olaf_C likes this.
  20. A certain someone has gone around buying stuff up at the Gift Shop :rolleyes: Items restocked at the Gift Shop (at least one of everything in stock) and prices adjusted!

    Feel free to come over and check out what other people are selling here too, we have a few shops set up at the back to sell items that others want to sell! Check out the Museum today! :cool: