Join the Suited Animal Movement (SAM)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by TechFilmer, Oct 6, 2014.


Will You Join?

Yes! 57 vote(s) 57.0%
No. 11 vote(s) 11.0%
Maybe :3 32 vote(s) 32.0%
  1. Nice to know staff (also the owner of EMC) is taking interest in this thread lol
  2. If I'm going to become a part of this community, it looks like I'd better join in with the native customs. I don't believe that the seagull was taken yet, so there you go. :)
    Mirr0rr and ItsMeMatheus like this.
  3. i dont know how...were do i find animal pictures like these amazing art photo's of yours ,wondeful!
  4. It's the ban-hammer head shark.
    Mr_Zulus and hashhog3000 like this.
  5. Alright now I got one that is similar. Feels better now..
  6. That rabbit looks like it's evaluating just how to roast me. :p
  7. That is the most beautiful creature that has ever and will ever walk the Earth. My chickat has met its match.
  8. I am afraid that this is the last sparkle of cuteness in the barbaric slaughterhouse which is now google images...

    What you end up getting is a combination of poor taste in clothing, morph suits, awful drawings, the cousin of barf from spaceballs, and some inappropriate images.
    I clearly wish I did....
    607 likes this.
  9. 1.8 killer bunny after hitman training ;)
  10. I think most of those are inappropriate for the SAM though... :p
  11. I found one! (without safe search ;))
    Or did someone already use this? image.jpg
  12. Saw that. Not bad, but... it isn't 'me,' if that makes any sense.
    607 likes this.
  13. Sure, why not. This fellow seems nice.

    Mirr0rr likes this.
  14. This is just great :)

  15. Mirr0rr likes this.
  16. Who's bob? No wait, Who is that first baseman, not bob. What's bob? Ah, wait. What is the second baseman. But the question still remains about bob. Does bob stand for something?
  17. bob24681024. My first account here on EMC. I worked for you a lot when I was a noob. We talked about it on smp9 while you were in the wild remember.:p
  18. There's only room for 1 pipe smoking panda round these parts! JK, nice picture.
  19. Ah yes, I remember now. Hi
    Qwerty189 likes this.
  20. I like how most of Empire site have turned there profile photo's in to animal's :p

    607 likes this.