Microsoft Buying Mojang?

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by yarbsarb, Sep 9, 2014.

  1. I personally hate Windows 8, a lot.

    Back on topic, I just can't see Mojang letting Microsoft buy their company.
    rock00888 likes this.
  2. The Minecraft Logo would be flattened and the title screen would be a bunch of squares. All the interfaces would be a bunch of squares: inventory, chests, options, title screen.
    Grauhaar72 and rock00888 like this.
  3. What exactly does that contribute to this conversation?
    DrewRadio and Kephras like this.
  4. Meh. Hard to ruin such a great game...
  5. I don't see this as terrible. Maybe if Mojang had superiors to answer to, they would actually make decent progress. I know that they did a major rewrite of the code in this last update, but other than that they just pose as wizards.
    mba2012 and NetherSpecter like this.
  6. If this happens, Minecraft will be ruined. I like Microsoft, but they wouldn't know what they were doing and ruin the game. EDIT: It doesn't seem legit though.
  7. If this happens:
    Bye mac verson
    By ps4/visa edition
    jknrlz likes this.
  8. Well if this deal goes through the first thing that's going to happen is the title screen being changed to a lil something like

    Just because Microsoft thinks ironing stuff is cool.
    tuqueque likes this.
  9. Yeah, mac version might go away, but I would doubt it.

    As absolutely mental as Microsoft can be sometimes, they wouldn't get rid of a quarter of the userbase.

    You beat me to the thread :L
  10. Jeesh so much hate on Microsoft going on here. Glad bus wasn't around or you guys would have throw it them underneath it. Always it's up to mojang heads to make the decision to offer more or decline the offer. Who knows if Microsoft buys mojang minecraft might get boost of new life it needs right now.
  11. Interested in seeing what happens. Personally I don't care either way, both Mojang and Microsoft are great companies, and it's not like Microsoft is completely removing Mojang from the picture. I say we wait and see what happens, then make the best of it.
    NathanRP likes this.
  12. I don't hate Microsoft in general. I just think that Windows 8 was a complete fail.
    rock00888 likes this.
  13. *Bye *PS Vita, Vita means LIFE!!! I love my PS VITA o3o
  14. ...
    Well it's not going anywhere any time soon so you can go back to windows 7, vista or just change formats ISO or Linux's type programs.
    MrUnknownian and dresden72 like this.
  15. They'll only pay attention to the Xbox version of the game, PC minecraft will be long forgotten.
  16. Everything is already squares xD so Microsoft will buy Minecraft and Apple will be Rollblox xD
  17. I would strongly disagree due to Microsoft making Office for Mac (Even though apple payed for that) I still see them doing a deal like that. And it is like saying "I have a class of 24 kids, I've taught them for 4 yrs now 10 of you go and never come back into this class because there is a new teacher coming who doesn't like you being different"
  18. I don't even get Roblox

    what is it suppose to be mini-games or survival?

    (im going to get a lot of hate comments am I?)
    MrUnknownian likes this.
  19. Random side comment...
    607 likes this.
  20. No probably not because I don't get how one can enjoy playing it... Sorry to the MLG Rollblox people just my opinion.:p