Estonan Federation [Established]

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by wildbeast23, Sep 26, 2013.

  1. Wild here is something I think you should add to the main post .... its the general area where people should come to see Estona ...

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  2. Masnach City is no longer accepting coal donations, as we have found the blaze grinder made by Pantano City in the nether, and are using the blaze rods to fuel the furnaces. Thanks Pantanans!
  3. I cant believe I get busy at work and you destroy my wall..
  4. If people want to build or live on Ironholm I can set up areas to build all I ask is to just build in the area I mark off :)
    wildbeast23 likes this.
  5. Hey Devon, I'm building the new government building in Maximus as you know. There'll be room for four large offices; so I recommend one for Chairperson, Mayor of Maximus, Foreign Minister, and Peace Corps General. Of course because of this we need to appoint a mayor of Maximus but its up to you if you want to leave that until the next election in a few weeks (beginning of June) and stay as caretaker until then :)
  6. hey wild, can you build a town hall for me on Minerva? if so ill mark where you put the enterance =)
  7. yeah, once I've finished the government building in Maximus I'll be right over. You are able to provide the materials? It's just that I don't really have much stuff on smp2 :p
  8. yea, ill put a sign where you can put the enterance, if you need to move it just ask me (like if you want to make stairs or somting) and just let me know what you need material wise
  9. I will choose one next time :)
  10. Its good too see things going so well, Minerva is becoming more avtive siniypiva is back and just all around more activity, Middleton is becoming something Demeter dissolved into us we got Established! The new mine subways and government building, siniys new island EPC and so much more! Well done everyone!
    wildbeast23 likes this.
  11. The newly completed National Government office building in Maximus; housing offices for the Mayor of Maximus, Peace Corps General, Foreign Minister and Chairperson. 2014-05-24_14.41.41.png
    weeh666 and mba2012 like this.
  12. Estona is no longer just on minecraft :) screenshot3.png
  13. just a lot of the usual stuff, stone brick, glass, whatever flooring material you want etc. :)
  14. i have alot of stonebrick slabs in a chest on the road, i can get some glass and wood (what i want for the floor) you can find in the wood chest =)
  15. Someone broke a block under a AFK person and they fell into the water and drowned (MDMyers2000) and they got imprisoned until they got back from town and saw them :)

    2014-05-24_18.18.38.png 2014-05-24_18.18.51.png
  16. Hello!
    I have good news, there are new forms of housing for sale, up in the clouds of uptown Maximus in miners tower, 2 people have already bought some! Here are some pictures 2014-05-24_20.41.43.png 2014-05-24_20.40.52.png 2014-05-24_20.40.48.png 2014-05-24_20.40.43.png

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  17. Anyone know if there is a thread on the forums for the eastern wilderness of smp9? I see a lot for individual cities and nations, but not for the area in general.