The Second New Republic (CLOSED)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by ocelot3101, Apr 16, 2014.

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  1. Okay.
    Let's put it like this.
    I'm amused their still talking about Hyboria.
    Last time I checked,Hyboria was ABANDONED.
    So,I'm getting permission from Brickstrike for the Capital to expand to the Hyboria Area.
    And it's partly silly that Envie is restricting me from coming through the Jungle.
    I mean,let's put it like this.
    Treewind Route = Deathtrap,Slimes,Narrow Rivers
    Jungle Route = Quick Route
    Wrem Outskirts Route = Certain Death in Extreme Hills
    Pazzo Route = Go across to Pazzo,then go south,Extreme Death
  2. so make your own rail system.....
    FDNY21 likes this.
  3. THAT's what I'm trying to convince the others to do,but it turned into a Militia VS East Wild debate...
  4. We would have allowed you through the jungle but you lost that privilege by destroying it. There is no massive debate. We have one publicly and one privately owned rails through the nether. Currently you are permitted to use them. So just go to Volt via the nether line and then boat to your house.
  5. Digging a hole to shelter in?
    That's not destroying the Jungle.
  6. Quick little chat recording:
    Envie logs on
    Envie42: I am watching you on livemap,and you are going through my outpost
    kitten3101: I'm passing through to go to 2nd NR!
  7. Trying to cast bad light on others when you have violated things they have politely asked you to do is not good, and I suggest you stop before you recieve a ban.
  8. the real question is why werent you hidden onlivemap
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  9. Err,I'm trying to tell Rock that before I made a shelter,I was already passing through.
    One of the things I'm annoyed about,Envie decided to tell me to "turn around"...
    And AT THAT POINT,I was heading out of "his land".
  10. And,I really do not think,I should be hidden all the time.
  11. theres no such thing as "his land" particularly when it comes to the former provinces of the nr. last i heard none of them were approved for land ownership since they all were closer then the 3k limit of one another. and even if they were you can walk through it. theres no private property on emc and those cities have been told that multiple times.

    however map hiding helps both you stay safe from griefers following you out and the surrounding areas as well so its just a good idea unless you are trying to get someone to come to your coords.

    my suggestion to end all this pointless debate about a failed system (and it will be my last one in this thread) is move far away from that area. the nr failed for many reasons one of which was encroaching on others territory. the other which was people who ruled certain "cities" in the republic were notoriously greedy and corrupt.
    i dont see why knowing that information you would want to re-subject yourself and others to those practices.

    move 3k away, build your own rail system and claim that land

    /problems solved
  12. Mmm,we are giving Cities control,but if they become too corrupt,then we WILL have to think about deciding on a new Mayor.
    So now I guess I DO have the right to go through the Jungle...
    And I'm just not comfortable with moving.
    I've grown used to the area...
  13. If you were simply passing through to go to the 2nd NR, why stop and destroy land in the jungle with malicious intent?
  14. (warning: long essay below. Read only if you are seriously concerned or care about the eastern wilds territories of smp9)

    Hi bitemenow15,

    I'd like to clarify that this entire thing is being twisted out of context entirely by kitten3101 and the -exact- in-game chat logs and screenshots have already been submitted via complaint to NZScruffy and staff. I have been reassured it's being handled properly.

    1. Had kitten truly been 'just passing through' they would not have stopped directly on my camp building site and went through my entire property top to bottom and then proceed to dig up the beach and leave a big hole as well as a cobblestone trail leading north along the beach. This was clearly an act of intentional griefing and aggression.

    2. I never said It's "my land" (I'm female btw so he's got that part wrong too). What I -did- say was: "Kitten, I've been given permission by rock00888 to build in this section of the jungle and have started a camp here - which you are now digging under which by EMC rules is forbidden to tamper with another player's direct building area or construction." I asked him repeatedly to leave the area and he refused. He continued to destroy bricks directly under my platform claiming he was 'building someplace to live' which I said I did not want him to do. It was clearly harassment because he kept typing in all caps (which he was banned for again) and stating it was 'everybody's land' and I had no right to claim it or prevent him from doing whatever he wanted. This is harassment and griefing as defined by EMC rules.

    I ask people of the smp9 Eastern region reading this ridiculous drama: Is this a person you want to be leading or creating a 'New Republic' of joined nations out there in that region?

    I think the answer has been an overwhelming NO from most people who have responded in this thread as well as many players repeatedly asking kitten3101 to move further away and establish their outpost somewhere else and not involve any of the other city states in that area (Wrem, Stoneguard, Volt, Estona, New Holland etc).

    This person continues to ignore every response put in this thread about not recreating the NR in that area and that no one wants it out there.

    This person is bullying into the area and disregarding everyone there. This is not only exceptionally uncool, it's rude and obnoxious and shows complete lack of respect for the other players out there who have put a lot of hard work into creating a network of cities and roads/railways between them. I'm genuinely surprised more players haven't come forward to protest this blatant disregard and pushy behavior.

    A normal, reasonable player would have realized this was causing conflict and either chosen to move somewhere else (even another server would be great) to start their republic plans or they would have asked to join in with the city-states which already exist out there and played cooperatively.

    Instead, they have done nothing but be antagonistic, rude, disregarding and even stooping to direct ingame harasassment and griefing.

    I implore all of you (and those who are reading this but not speaking up) to speak up now and please put a stop to this behavior. It's pure bullying and nothing more.

    I came to Volt on rock00888's invitation and assurance that Volt would have nothing to do with any NR2 plans and we'd be left to build in peace. I asked for one single tiny section of jungle land directly adjacent to Volt City and the shared railway line. I've disturbed no one else's building areas and been friendly and good spirited on this forum as well as to other players I've met out there (Estona and nearby cities).

    This person has singled me out because I disagreed with the NR2 bullying and of the entire smp9 map he could have chosen to mess with ...bothered to come all the way to Volt - then northwest of the city to my one tiny plot of land I'm building on and start digging it up. This is "just passing through??"

    I'm fed up with this. If it's not resolved and kitten3101 ceases this harassment and negative behavior both ingame and on this forum, I'm revising my original opinion of settling in the EMC frontier of smp9. I'm a very intelligent person and I came here to interact with other builders and to be a part of a community. I see a great community in the eastern wilds territories of smp9 but it seems a lot of players have vanished and no longer wish to defend it from encroachment and harassment. One single obnoxious player is going to bully in and ruin the entire thing?
    actanonverba1994 and rock00888 like this.
  15. Calling me Obnoxious,is pretty rude...
    And,I WAS NOT Griefing.
    Had I not built that hole,I may have been KILLED.
    I have since went the opposite way,and you are now forcing me to do a dangerous trek over the mountains.
    So,I refuse that I griefed "your area"...
    The area I was digging,WAS CREATED BY A MACHINE.
    If you had built that Jungle,I would have left.
    But if I recall,it was made by a MACHINE.
  17. I can see why you were banned, please refrain from using caps, why are you banned? Same reason.
    rock00888 and OrangeDuck607 like this.
  18. But I'm annoyed that I was said to build "directly under a platform"...
    I understand about caps,so I will cut down my use,I was just surprised Envie said that.
  19. I hope you get banned for your continuous use of caps again since it seems like that's the only thing you ever resort to just like you did ingame. I took screenshots...standing on my platform and you directly under it digging.

    Your entire argument is pathetic since the screenshots are also in broad daylight at the time you were digging - and yes you are behaving very obnoxiously. I cannot seriously believe you're still defending your actions and insisting you were not griefing. You apologized in another thread to me but you didn't mean it because you have no intentions of being cool or truly admitting what you did was messed up or wrong and then accepting you should move elsewhere to build, your presence in the area is negative and unwanted.
  20. Okay.
    I am not replying to this ANY FURTHER.
    I am not getting myself banned anymore.
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