18200 Empire Minecraft Museum!

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by FDNY21, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. 9, I think?
    I will not be posting new screenshots unless I am specifically showing something that I have done and want to show it, such as putting the White Point Star in. The idea is to come visit, so you get the information.
    QuarterStop likes this.
  2. Just hop online and do /server smp9, /v 18200.
    FDNY21 likes this.
  3. Update #10 :)
    • Magical Eggcellent Wand added to Promotional Items floor!
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  4. That would've been kinda obvious...
    Hope everybody has fun eggifying for less!
  5. Why doesn't the gift shop sell some cheaper items?
    I'm not talking about lowering the price, but adding some things that are cheaper, like selling an enchanted diamond pick that has fortune III and unb III and eff V renamed "duplicate of ore buster" or something like that. In a way related to the museum or promos.
  6. Still needed to add it to the Museum - so let you all know. :)
    We sell promos, not any old enchanted items, sorry. :)
    QuarterStop likes this.
  7. Update #11 :)
    • Added "Dragon Egg Guide" to the Gift Shop for 4,999r, I wonder how it will turn out :)
  8. What's it about? I'm not buying a book for that price until I have an inside cover to read. :p
  9. You sparked me an idea. I will add a button to click so that it gives you a brief overview of what it tells you! :)
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  10. Do you have a Neore from the original NR?
  11. It is not that kind of Museum. I put things in the Museum that are on the Wiki for custom items. Official EMC Items :) I also have a "Player Head" floor and "Gift Shop" floor, but no room for anything else right now.

    Information button added. :)
  12. I have a question.
    Did you build the museum by yourself?
  13. AlexChance did
    hashhog3000 and FDNY21 like this.
  14. He seems to build everything.
    He built the town spawn right?
  15. Update #12 :)
    • IcecreamCow's Special Eggnog information updated
    • Gift Shop slightly adjusted
    • Several teleports slightly adjusted
  16. A very nice Chunky render by RainbowChin, thanks for making this Rainbow!
    Sold about 4 5 Dragon Egg Guides so far, people seem to like them, come on down to get yours today! :)
    RainbowChin likes this.
  17. Update #13 :)
    • Dragon Poop link changed
    • Super Dragon Poop link changed
    • Dragon Egg Guides restocked (They are going down well)!
  18. Update #14 :)
    • "A piece of a pyramid" item added!
    • "A piece of a pyramid" information altered!
    Enjoy viewing the new item on the super rare floor! :D
    sonicol1 likes this.
  19. Back from Germany now, so, as the Vault Voucher was out of stock, I have added another Voucher to the Shop (Again, a Vault) :)
  20. Update #15 :)
    • Sign added next to Supporter Gifts mentioning they are now shiny and have different names!
    • Diamond "Referral Block Of Clickyness" Added!
    • Clickyness Block information added!