Useful Tool: EMC Shopkeeper

Discussion in 'Marketplace Discussion' started by shavingfoam, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. Attention!! A critical bug has just been fixed! The bug caused the first transaction page to be parsed twice during an update!

    If you are running the full .jar, please update immediately. If you use the auto-runner, the update will download automatically. Sorry about this! :(

    EDIT: The bug only effected version 0.4.5 (the previous release), so all of the other transactions you've downloaded before yesterday will be fine.
    Nilex92, AlexChance and Olaf_C like this.
  2. Having troubles downloading the auto-run, I just get sent to the .jhlp file D:
  3. The .jnlp file is the auto-run file. Double-click it to run it.

    "Auto-run" just means that it automatically downloads the program for you and keeps it up to date. :)
    607 and mba2012 like this.
  4. I know, I got to the link and just shows the XML code...
  5. Try right-clicking on it and going to "Open With > Java" (or something like that). Your computer has to have .jnlp files associated with Java in order for double-clicking to work.
    607 likes this.
  6. thank you for adding the autorun to it. i stink at shuffling files. auto makes it so much easyier to DL and use :)
  7. Version 0.4.7 released! Changes include:
    • Added a better splash screen.
    • The splash screen is now displayed for people who use the auto-runner.
    • Added a side-bar to the "players" view in the Transactions tab that lists all of the players.
    • Added separate counts for shop, payment, and bonus/fee transactions to the Update dialog.
    • Added an "Apply to inventory" checkbox to the "Assign" dialog of the Payments Tab. When checked, the item quantity will be applied to your Inventory.
    • Fixed a "SecurityException" error that some people were getting.
    allengero and mba2012 like this.
  8. Here's a question for you and one that could really alter the landscape of trading in EMC:

    With the information that's taken by EMC:SK, is there any way of you pulling information from each player that uses it for the sale price of each item and generating that as a read only list somewhere with a highest, lowest and average price per server for each item?
  9. Interesting idea. It would be possible to determine the sale price of each item and upload it to a website somewhere (with the user's permission, of course). There's no way to know what server the player's shop is on though.
  10. You could try to do the residence lookup tool on to find their first residence and use that, though it could be incorrect since they may have more than one.
  11. Cool, didn't know about that haha.
    xHaro_Der likes this.
  12. This.

    Running it now with 10k page limit to see if it breaks lol. Well done.
    jrm531, shavingfoam and cddm95ace like this.
  13. Thanks, I'm glad you like it! Let me know if you run into any trouble. :)
  14. I get a database error or something... will post a log in a minute
  15. at 12k pages it crashes
    607 likes this.
  16. May I suggest some error handling for time outs. Maybe like a process pause while it trys to reconnect. This way you dont get 3 hours into a pull only to have one error and start over
  17. I think what's happening is that the page request is timing out. EMC Shopkeeper configured to timeout after 2 minutes or so, but pages 12,000 and above take longer than that to load. I'll try increasing the timeout length. I'm glad you could at least get to 10k pages. :)
  18. Version 0.4.8 released! Changes include:
    • Added a "Stop" button to the Update dialog. This halts the update process and saves all transactions that were downloaded (unlike the Cancel button, which discards the transactions). It only appears during the first update.
    • Increased the request timeout for downloading transaction pages, so large transaction pages (~12,000 and above) don't timeout.
    • Cleaned up the layout of the First Update dialog.
    • Added icons for mob player heads and other items.
    607 and Leowaste like this.
  19. org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connection to refused
    at org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultClientConnectionOperator.openConnection(
    at org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultRequestDirector.tryConnect(
    at org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultRequestDirector.execute(
    at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(
    at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(
    at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(
    at emcshop.scraper.TransactionPuller.getPage(
    at emcshop.scraper.TransactionPuller.access$300(
    at emcshop.scraper.TransactionPuller$
    Caused by: Connection timed out: connect
    at Method)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at org.apache.http.conn.scheme.PlainSocketFactory.connectSocket(
    at org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultClientConnectionOperator.openConnection(
    ... 9 more
  20. I think shop statistics is just telling you that you have sold way too many things :p
    607 and Lukas3226 like this.