Useful Tool: EMC Shopkeeper

Discussion in 'Marketplace Discussion' started by shavingfoam, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. Version 0.4.2 released! Changes include:
    • Added a "Bonuses/Fees" tab, which keeps a tally of the rupee bonuses and fees your account has received.
    • Fixed some item name mappings.
  2. What do you mean by fees?
  3. Vault fees (probably)
  4. The new tab keeps track of the following fees/bonuses:
    • Locking chests in the wild (includes lock fees, full refunds and partial refunds)
    • Eggifying animals in the wild
    • Summoning horses in the wild
    • Vault fees (i.e. opening your vault)
    • Sign-in bonuses
    • Voting bonuses
  5. Again Awesome program man
    NZScruffy and mba2012 like this.
  6. I think you should be an EMC coder like Aikar Shaving! You have produced this awesome programme from scratch by yourself and that's simply awesome! Will probably download dis programme ASAP. :)
  7. I might be being stupid but does it auto log into me or what I dont get how...
  8. It asks you for your EMC username and password so it can log you into the website and download your rupee transactions.
    NZScruffy likes this.
  9. ah it didnt do that for a start thanks :) great software
  10. It doesn't ask you for your login credentials until you perform an update. :)
    NZScruffy and xothis_dwarf like this.
  11. Version 0.4.3 released! Changes include:
    • Added the ability to upload an error report when an error occurs. This will allow me to more easily fix any bugs that appear. :)
    • Fixed some item name mappings and added more item icons.
    I've also started working on a small Minecraft mod, which will allow you to more easily record your shop's inventory. Unfortunately, I can't release it until Forge updates to 1.7. :(

    Oh, and Happy Holidays! :D
    Olaf_C, NZScruffy, cddm95ace and 2 others like this.
  12. Happy New Year, EMC! :D

    Version 0.4.4 released! Changes include:
    • Added an option to display item quantities in stacks. For example, the number "70" is displayed as "1/6" (one stack, six remainder). To enable this setting, go to "Tools > Show Quantities in Stacks".
    • Fixed some item name mappings.
  13. Version 0.4.5 released! This version adds a new Charts tab, which allows you to generate graphs of the net profits of various items in various ways. :D

    charts-net-total.png charts-item-groups.png charts-items.png

    If you use the auto-launcher, make sure you re-download the .jnlp file, as it has been changed.
  14. :O awesome. new update!
  15. your too good at this xD thanks again
  16. Thanks guys! :D
    mba2012 likes this.
  17. Awesome update, as usual :D Out of curiosity (and it looking cool), how did you centre the tabs?
    mba2012 likes this.
  18. That's just how Macs display tabs. Because this is a Java app, each operating system will render things a little differently. :)
    mba2012 and AlexChance like this.
  19. Wow, very nice!