A simple DragonCave thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by autumnrain26, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. How do you mean?
  2. Note the 'imaginary'.
    Just pretend.
    Or roleplay it.
  3. Someone with a good heart take this egg.

    Whoever takes this egg must love non-rare dragons.
  4. It differed from the picture:(
  5. Then give the shimmer to another person, and I'll find a mint. ;)
    autumnrain26 likes this.
  6. I love what you did there though;) I really expected the greenish one, but of course I'm a happy with this as well. In each case it was a good surprise;) By the way your scroll looks really cool! :)

  7. Click that for a free tidal.
  8. I'm full atm.
    Will take later.
  9. I have created a fortress. My walls keep out friend and foe alike.

    Not quite done yet, but it's coming together.
  10. lol, portal theme.. :D
  11. I think I'm done.

    EDIT: I have too much snow. Sooooo...
    607 and Choongjae like this.
  12. Lol, your forts are all so nice-looking and mine is just a random bunch of all different items:p
  13. Mine is too.
  14. What is this egg?
  15. Tsunami Wyvern.
    jacob5089 likes this.
  16. my computer always crashed when I tried to do anything that involved the so called "forts" :(
  17. What computer do you have and what browser do you use? Maybe there is a phone or tablet with wifi in your house that could help?
  18. They already took away forts :(
    EDIT- 3500 post :3
    autumnrain26 likes this.
  19. yeah, I use a 2007 Toshiba laptop and I use internet explorer.....
  20. Would anyone here consider CB/2G Green Opals rare?