smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Maybe it is time the LLO got a leader and a government sort of thing. The complexities that would be involved with different people in charge of different area could be insane, especially when the new system comes out. If we do get protected, we're already breaking the new automated system. Maybe we do need a senior council sort of thing... With you as our leader and then we can pick a leader for each district, they would manage most things in the district and would represent those who live in that district.
    Jakres and Sunny_Chicken like this.
  2. nah. we should keep it as simple and open as possible.
    we have been doing do great partially due to our lack of government.
  3. So we just have the leader, who is just there for official stuffz, and they don't actually do anything? :p
  4. kinda. ;)
    maybe we can have a royal family with no power like the English have. lol
  5. The royal family can kick out the government ;)
  6. perfect. our royal family could make sure we never get a government :D

    but really if the protection system calls for some people to get their names on something to work I am sure we can find good people to do the job. maybe the folks from the anti griefing department?
    so this would not mean any leadership but just another public service department.
  7. I can barley breath

  8. Because the NR worked so well :p
    No offense to volt and dean, it was a great outpost, just the government aspect was a bit too much.
  9. I remember it all too well. Seriously, make zulu the 'figurehead' on the signs and stuff, but the community can stay primarily independant (Unless something GameChanging happens).

    EDIT: I agree with zulu in saying that there should be a protected outpost
  10. yeah. depending on how this will be implemented I am sure we will work out a way with the mods that can work. like maybe do not apply the 3000 block rule for LLO districts and for example allow jimbo to be in charge of jimbotown etc.
    being in charge merely would mean being the "figurehead" for that area then as it will still be part of the LLO.

    in a way the LLO always has had a government. not in the sense of leadership. but we do have organisations. everyone can join and go as they please and oh wonder people came together to make something great like the railway system. maybe we can use the new protection or "empires" feature the same way.

    the new wild features sound awesome and both we and the mods know the LLO is somewhat weird or a special case.
    I have no doubt we can find a way to keep the LLO way and benefit from the new features too.
  11. There have been rumours of subsections inside of the empire. These would basically be mini residences inside of the main empire residence. We could go for something like that with districts, so that when we do claim the land, each district doesn't have to give out perms.
    Jakres and Sunny_Chicken like this.
  12. that sounds good.
    even with perms in the wild I think we should be very careful on how to use them. we want to protect against griefers but for most parts no total lockdown.
    for example I would vote for kinda restrictive flint & steel usage if possible but leave most of the building flags more permissive. with all the bad stuff that happened we should not forget things like the cake and diamond ninjas for example, which would not have been possible with a too strict flags setting.
  13. Oh yeah…cake ninja… *forumlates flying cake plan A*
  14. I could have gone with more trivial examples.
    like it would be almost impossible to build a mega bridge without somewhere running into a perms issue I guess.
    but I thought the cake ninja is a better example.
    anyways we should be very careful and while the new protection will sure be great we have to be careful not to overdo it.
  15. Just a friendly reminder while the LLO is a large and very awesome outpost, I'm not quite sure the staff will make an exception for land protection less the 5k out. I think it might lead to a bit of favoritism and wouldn't be fair to other outposts within the 5k box…so…just give that a thought
    Anyways, there's always expansion into new territory. That might bring more members as it'll be uncolonized territory.
  16. hmm...

  17. ...and once a year, each district sends a tribute to the LLO Capitol to participate in a big spleef game with one winner, and.... ;D
    Jakres, Sunny_Chicken, zulu9 and 6 others like this.
  18. Okay c:
    Jakres likes this.
  19. Who created the main walls around LLO? I'm just curious.
    Jakres likes this.
  20. That'd be btribble.