[EMC Discussion] Fill In The Blank (Diamond Supporter)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. he ment more animals on utopian res not more res /facepalm
  2. I dunno... But whatever
    • As a continual diamond supporter, I would like to see Extra res per 1/4 year added as a diamond supporter perk.
    • As a continual iron or gold supporter, I would like to see a "signing bonus" added as a diamond supporter perk to encourage me to upgrade to diamond.
    • As a free member, I would like to see the same "signing bonus" added as a diamond supporter perk to encourage me to upgrade to diamond.
    • Why I got iron supporter in first place? Because I could hide on live map.
    • Why did I upgrade to gold? Because access to utopia.
    • Why did I upgrade to diamond for only short time? To maximize /purchase vault
    • When would I again go diamond? I probably wouldn't except "hide on live map" and "utopia access" or "farming anything" would become diamond perk. Or something like vault in wild? But overall I'd dislike vault in wild. (I don't care rupees from supportership at all.)
  3. I think it's gonna be smp6, due to... Well, due to that that is the "recommended" server:p

  4. So basically players (alexchance, b4dman5imon, brick strike) who are continually diamond would have a crap ton of reses?
    I'm pretty sure brick has been on a year, and k know Simon and Alex have, so they would have at least eight reses.
    This is never going to happen.
    jkjkjk182 and wisepsn like this.
  5. Well, then, it should, like, totally be on four, cuz that would be like totes cray-cray, right?
    Will the old mob arena be destroyed?
  6. Meh, I don't like it. When I buy gold supporter, one of the reasons is so I can hide myself from town. I don't want a perk that will just RUIN what I already have. It wouldn't be fair, and maybe most diamond supporters don't grief, but I don't want to be spied on in the wilderness with diamond supporters because that would make me uncomfortable, especially when I don't want anyone to follow me. I am extremely fine with staff watching me,because that is there job to protect the wilderness. I am just not comfortable with regular diamond players.

    If this became a perk, I would probably stop going in the wilderness because I bought gold supporter to make sure this wouldn't happen anyway.
    Trapper777, gollark8, 607 and 4 others like this.
  7. Perhaps... not the ability to see hidden people on live map... but the ability to see who is watching live map?
    607 likes this.
  8. your right, maybe one year?
  9. As a long term supporter and previous diamond supporter, id like to see a /guide (feature) command. I could use /guide eggification, where it would bring up a small amount of info to sumarize it. if i was explaining it to a new player, this would be useful.
    Trapper777 likes this.
  10. This discussion has taken place for a long time. I wouldn't want to be the one to give Aikar more work to do since he's already the hardest working man in the Empire, but I wonder how difficult it would be write code that tests for the presence of existing locked chests within a certain number of squares and wouldn't allow more than 2 (to accomodate locked double chests) within three squares of each other.
    Olaf_C likes this.
  11. There are a few places where I have two or three chests quite close together so I would hate have an automated solution like this.

    I personally don't see this as a threat. Restricting access to a public area like Spawn or a personal space like a grinder could be interpreted as greifing, in my opinion. I don't think it would turn out very well for the rare person who tried this if they were reported.
  12. Good points. After giving this a little more thought, there's nothing that would really prevent anyone from entering an area built from locked chests anyway. There would still have to be space for the signs and one could easily throw an ender pearl through that space.
    Pab10S likes this.
  13. As a continual Diamond Supporter, I would like to see the ability to destroy basic blocks such as dirt and stone as if you were in creative, but only on your own res.
  14. As a free member, I would like to see A renamed diamond block that say Diamond Supporter for (Month and Year) added as a diamond supporter perk to encourage me to upgrade to diamond.
    A lot of people like the renamed stuff like Iron Starter Armor, Valentines Roses, etc. This can be given to a supporter and they can keep it for display or sell it for a good amount of rupees. This could also work for all the other ranks of supporters as well.
  15. As a free member, I would like to see log in item bonus once every week added as a diamond supporter pek to encourage me to upgrade to diamond.
  16. Ok not sure if the things I am about to say/suggest have been covered, but here goes.

    As a continual diamond supporter, I would like to _____________ added as a diamond supporter perk.

    I would like to see one, all, or a combination of the following added:
    Some sort of discount for /shop purchases
    A discount on the materials needed to make any special item for when dragon tombs comes out
    The ability to fly only on your res on other SMP's
    The ability to edit [ACCESS] and [LOCKED] signs without having to tear them down
    A limited /vault access in the wild/nether/wastelands with a fee.
    A discount on [LOCKED] signs
    I would ask for the ability to make portals, but I believe that is going to be introduced with DragonTombs...So maybe a free dragon egg for Long Term Diamond Supporters. I say long term because if you made it just for the Diamond Supporter then people would pay once to get the egg and then cancel. The time needed could be thought/talked about between the Staff.
    Maybe setting milestones for Supporters so that at certain points they get special gifts as an added thank you

    Things that I think would be a bad idea is making [LOCKED] signs free as people would abuse that to no end (and in the case of walling off the spawn area, well that would result in a ban and the removal of those signs.), making the vault free in the wild as I think it should still cost to use it and maybe have a timer on it or something. I know I would love to be able to transport more items when I am doing moves into my wild base. Also allowing a supporter the ability to see people hidden on the map would negate that ability. That is one of the main reasons I am a supporter so people can't find me all that easy. Well I think I will go ahead and end this post as it has turned into a small book. :confused::cool:
  17. A small book? You forgot the page numbers.

    Anyways, I think it's not possible to edit a sign in any way, without modifying the client.
  18. What can I say...once I start I sometimes find it hard to stop. These are all just suggestions as I am sure some would be far harder to implement than others would be.