[Already Planned] Enraged versions of all mobs

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Aikar, Jul 16, 2013.

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  1. *Flys around*
    jacob5089 likes this.
  2. Enraged ISMOOCH.
    Kills player with sass.

    I was considering proposing an enraged Aikar, but all jokes associated with him are old ones related to the destruction of the economy. :(
  3. Yes, they are. It's simple to do, as it's in the entity's NBT tag.
  4. I was going to make an Aikar joke, but that just ruins everything. :p

    I was going to make a joke about ISMOOCH, but shows how too much sass. :p
  5. New ban reason from ISMOOCH: iHax123 was killed by ISMOOCH using SASS.
    brickstrike likes this.
  6. litterally laughed like 5 times every time i imagined this

    also enraged ghasts and witches gonna be crazy
  7. Enraged wither skeleton. That's going to nerf my farm...
    At least there's a higher rare drop rate...
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  8. I think I dreamed about this last night:p (After reading the post, I went asleep and thought the update was already here)
  9. Uh oh. Saw his Youtube Video about Enraged Creepers. Charged flaming creepers that leave the forest behind covered in flames and drop golden apples. Scary stuff. Think I'll be staying in town for a bit when those come out.
  10. Imagine an enraged silver fish...
  11. Maybe like a silverfish that breaks silverfish stone and stuff on purpose to summon more minions. :)
  12. Those are already out
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  13. Already did, they actually aren't that hard.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  14. Well to be honest, I really love the new things that are being added, but, what if they suddenly decide to make enraged giant creepers...? That would NOT be fun...
    The Giant Zombie is already hard enough to kill, why make a back up team for him :p
  15. I'm pretty sure that already happens... If you break a silverfish block all the silverfish blocks near it will activate also. Correct me if I'm wrong. Maybe when enraged ones spawn out of blocks 5 spawn instead of 1.
  16. Enraged me: drank WAY too many frappichinos with caffeine. :p
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  17. As long as they remain exceedingly rare and can't move faster than you can run at a sprint (for those of us who'd rather just say "all of my NOPE" and bolt). The nether is basically closed to me already because I refuse to have anything to do with those stupid hounds.
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  18. Enraged pie? (yes pie is a mob, deal with it)
  19. The bosses will be more rare than enraged. As we add more enraged though, people will likely have a greater chance of seeing SOME sort of enraged more often than not, though the percentages will still be lower than regular mobs.
  20. There will be no Giant Creepers; that is impossible. Giants were already coded into the game.
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