[Already Planned] Enraged versions of all mobs

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Aikar, Jul 16, 2013.

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  1. all and all i think some of this could be fun, he also might add enraged passive mobs (liek teh squids) or he might wait till 1.7 ocean update for that

    due to the tweaks enraged arent really that big a deal anymore although 1.6 will make them slightly more frequent the longer you are in an area so a variety of enraged looks fun to me just as long as i can still take em on naked
  2. No enraged EnderDragons.
    They explode Fire Already.
    Enraged Marlix is a boss. It is pretty much already Enraged.
  3. Enraged Demons = Death :3
  4. Beautiful. Just... beautiful.
  5. Enraged Momentus will have an Enraged Marlix on his head, with them spawning Enraged Ghast for backup instead.
  6. *Isnt sure If aikar is being serious or joking around because that sounds like the worst thing to possibly ever find*
    brickstrike and PenguinDJ like this.
  7. You won't find it or at least it won't seem that way because by the time you know what's going on you have already died.
  8. At least it isn't an enraged marlix with an enraged momentus on it's head.
  9. Puts down in "future enraged monster lists"
    brickstrike, cac32234 and talukegord like this.
  10. Why not all the enraged mobs stacked on each other? :p
    IcecreamCow likes this.
  11. Enraged Totem Pole
  12. I think this deserves to be in the Dragon Tombs.
    brickstrike likes this.
  13. what if with these enraged totem poles (should they be added) only the mob on the bottom was able to attack, and until its killed, only that one can take damage, so you have to fight it in different stages
  14. eh, just makes the wild less pleasant in my opinion
  15. This was actually a boss on one of Hypixel's maps haha, you had to progressively kill each zombie until you go to the top one.
    bitemenow15 likes this.
  16. momentus ruding a marlix would be insane those buggers are erratic
  17. Super Enraged! ALL Enraged and BOSSES on each other... yeah.
  18. Just thought of the scariest idea ever...
    Get Aikar and Vechz to met. (Vechz is the creator of the super hostile maps and has a reputation of being ruthlessly evil in planning adventurers deaths)
    brickstrike and PenguinDJ like this.
  19. Ah, yes! Go on the wiki for minecraft, and you can see a pic of the largest slime ever. We're talking a creature that could crush Momentus like a physcotic gorilla king crushing a blue grape.
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