Penguin, I dare you to pick an SMP at random (with, sign on and tell them they are the best SMP on EMC EDIT: Got ninja'd, Parker you can do this if you want
I dare you to go around town all day, spamming your firework you got from the independence promo. If you go to another server you have to vault it and keep on walking with it for the res of the day, spraying with fireworks.
Whoever Ninjas me. I dare you sell sticks renamed 'Voldemorts wand' insmp2 Crappy dare FTW.
I dare you to figure out this riddle without looking the answer up on the internet. Mary's father has 5 daughters. Nana, Nene, Nini, and Nono. What is the name of the fifth daughter? When you think you have the answer, tell me your res number, and the smp it's on. Put a sign down at the entrance of whatever you have of your answer. If you fail, you have to give me 50 rupees. ^.^
Choongjae, I dare you to make pixel art of your very first game(maybe an atari one, nes, or gbc?) (In my case it should be super mario bros deluxe, but I think it very much depends on how old you are)
607, I dare you to give 607r to the first person who enters a message in chat the next time you're online.
Nope Edit-I dare you, Qwerty189, to say "Ethy202 was banned" As your signature! Edit 2-I was literally banned. Permanent.
Doing it right now! I will edit a picture in when done. Oh, and also, I'm sorry, but the whole layer of potatos isn't going to happen, I think, I didn't found any free space left on my residence that I could use. Edit: I had less than 1 fps ingame, way less when filming, so I was not able to catch it on camera, but I pressed t and made a printscreen.