The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. The argument started publicly and I continued it that way. If you have a problem with public arguments take it up with Jake...
  2. I'm sorry joe, but right now, you should probably take a break. We understand you are offended, but don't take it out on us. Find a humane way to take it out that won't offend us.
  3. So, I was thinking, since I just got my new WordPress site set up and everything, and have Network Sites enabled, we could have a New Republic site on my network? What do you guys think?
    brickstrike and smile3 like this.
  4. Joe is being:
    Constructively critical

    Jake is being:

    Smile is being:

    Volt is being:

    Dean is being:
    Clear (hence the organisation of this post)

    L0tad is being:

    Thought I would summarise the behavioral patterns of the threads latest contributors. I personally believe constructive criticism should be encouraged rather than blatant name calling, as mentioned in 72Volt's argument pyramid on Page 95. There is no reason why we can't all make up.
    For example: Myself and Jacob. Sorry for using you as an example but I know you'll be chill with it. In the bad old days, me and Jacob did not get on, at all. We were basically flaming at each other. However things are better now. We were both mature enough to put our differences to bed and have had no problems since. He has even come to live in my city! :D Now we are chill as can be, why cant everyone do the same?

    I personally have no problems with a bit of slagging off, its actually quite funny. People should take it all light heartedly :) I say we start doing this from this moment onwards!

    EDIT: It's on Page 95.
    mba2012, ants4235, L0tad and 5 others like this.
  5. When I posted that in the chat I thought he was online. It was my intention to say it to him. It was a completely valid point I was bringing up that still has not been answered.
  6. I leave for 2 days and I miss lots of pages in the forum. Just great... :p
  7. Sigh and here we were doing so well...
    brickstrike likes this.
  8. Almost to page 100!
    72Volt, KoenJanssen and brickstrike like this.
  9. As JFK said. "If we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity"
    L0tad likes this.
  10. great idea! The sewer system is like a road system, only bigger, more complex and more dangerous.
    pat2011 likes this.
  11. No torches
  12. what?
  13. If anyone in NR is near or has set-up in this area, please get your stuff and leave.
    Sorry Deathtomb, I'll have a map up soon on where the border will be.
  14. we need a really big...
  15. Aight pretty self explanatory don't go passed the red line.
    Lets respect the people who live beside us.
    This give enough room for both parties and no one is to build closer than 50 blocks from this line.
    Deathtomb, if you want to put a wall up, that is fine by me, your choice.
  16. This is going to be the last warning. If public insults continue in this thread, it will be closed, and a new way to share NR information will have to found. The actions of players in this thread have been widely pushed aside by staff as the whole project is more private. But now "public opinions" are just turning into name calling rage fights. This bleeds out of the NR and is creating tension. This is not a light warning, as most of you know the arguing and downright rudeness has been on the edge. Correct this, or an alternate method will have to be found.
    wisepsn, 72Volt, smile3 and 9 others like this.
  17. What about hyboria? It was going to be on the south end of the lake but, this line completely shreads it from the NR. I hope that something can be done to let hyboria still be apart of the NR but, let pazzo have it's space. If nothing can be done, hyboria will be moved to another smp. :/
  18. Brick you gotta go by the line and I think it's fair in all honesty. Pazzo was here first and it seems we have gotten many warnings and lucky nothing has been taken as of yet. If you can carve Hyboria 50 blocks from Pazzo and the line, you'll be fine, also ask Deathtomb for approval of the new outline of your city. I wouldn't want to step on his toes, I would know :(
  19. im fine with anything built SOUTH of the desert in the red line. just dont push it and we wont complain. i hpe this still allows for you build brick
    mba2012, kritacul and NetherSpecter like this.
  20. map 1.png

    Could Hyboria be built here (the blue) unless Volt and L0tad have something planned.

    Sorry about the white outline paint wasn't cooperating.
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