The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. 100n is 50r btw. I might use this service...
    brickstrike likes this.
  2. oh lordy
    brickstrike likes this.
  3. You could do that. They are walking/horse highways that will be built, but they could also double as a rail track. Maybe below the road?
    CommonSense_64 and brickstrike like this.
  4. Changed the OP. I had it the right way before, hen I was like nahhhh that aint right, so I made it wrong :p
  5. Now from my naked eye, I see a walkway from Wrem and see the walkway on the left hand side of Stoneguard. I thank if we move a little here and little there(in Stoneguard). We could literally have a STRAIGHT SHOT from Wrem to Stoneguard. I think making it a track would be a whole lot less resources but more expensive. A highway or walkway maybe best suited though.

    Picture below explains the concept;
  6. The one problem with that is the immense bridges that would be required...
    But if we can pull that off this could be amazing!
    Also, to get to other cities connected you can just branch off.

    So I formally announce the beginning of the New Republic Highway Project. I'll be managing the project, if you would like to help just ask here and I may let you in. Ants and common I'd like you guys to help with this too.
    brickstrike and CommonSense_64 like this.
  7. The H11 Tower is now open, It's a replica of the P11 Tower but instead of office space it's Apartments. (1 floor = a apartment) and each apartment is free! (limit one per person)
  8. I'll have to get the dimensions and cords, but it would be a small bridge both of height and width. I just have to think of logical material of a mass this size. But I'll come up with a design asap.
  9. I'm in!
  10. I can help out! I can build the stations and get supplies.
  11. I'll offer my help
  12. (Page 87, the one page with no fighting but instead one with the people of the New Republic working together.)
    72Volt, mba2012, L0tad and 5 others like this.
  13. Keep the peace, its much funner like this :)
    brickstrike, 72Volt, mba2012 and 4 others like this.
  14. But guys, i already have the highway system sorted out, all the roads (except the one leading to potato vile)
  15. wow this is the longest going thread i have ever seen
  16. You obviously didnt see the first time they were hiring new moderators.
    Adderwolf71 and ants4235 like this.
  17. Im sorry L0tad, but MBA has decided that me and Common are to help design and build the walkway/bridge/track from Wrem to Stoneguard. I'm in the process of the design and hopefully be able to show MBA this afternoon, early evening. Also this road will be going to a future city as well. So this is a benefit for all of the New Republic. Thank you.
  18. No offense intended. :)
    actanonverba1994 and ants4235 like this.
  19. You've obviously never seen the LLO thread.
    KoenJanssen, mba2012 and Jake_bagby like this.
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